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Hi all , i have been working on a model that was originally intended for the MFS series of sims . A lot of the work that has been done is mainly the usual steps to get a model up and running in the TW series but there has also been a few model changes and additions to the original . I have been waiting for a few weeks to hear back from the person who got the ball rolling with the model but as yet no reply . Even though it is royality free it woud have still been nice to give some credit to whoever made the model but as far as i can tell there should be no issues with it being used in our series of sims . Everything with the aircraft model is more or less ready but the flight model will need some work so i was wondering if there is anyone out there who could help with this , thanks in advance





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looks nice. I've had a soft spot for the Chippy.

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Guest capun

I'd say start with a similar airplane and then adjust the engine power, speed, etc. Also change mesh names, animationID's, etc.


A similar plane could be the Ryan PT-19 Cornell

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Cool i'll check out the ini for the PT

Edited by bigal1

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brings back memories of Air Experience Flights in the cadets :biggrin:

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Looks great. The Israelis operated a single example of the Chipmunk too, so this will be a great addition to WOI.

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