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Lights in the cities?

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Hey guys, Have you noticed that the nighttime flights in these sims seem to to lack a bit of immersion regarding lighted towns and bases and such? I love the work done to light the airfields, has anything been discovered regarding lighting the cities a bit? Do any of the current terrains available have lights anywhere? Any idea what is involved in creating them? :dntknw:

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Wartime London:


"The black-out was so complete that it was often necessary to carry a small torch on dark nights when there was no moon and it was cloudy. You couldn’t see where the pavement was at street corners."



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AFAIK, the game is hard coded so that lights only work on airfields. Theoretically, you could expand the defined airfield range or create an empty one to cover a city, but that could mess up targeting.


Deuces was working on it a while back, I think his solution was to use really bright .tgas, but I don't know how far he got.

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Yeah, I remember reading about that in the TW forums. I wonder where that thread got to...

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When the "Factroy Place" and "Truck Depot" first came out, they were (actaully, the ground_plattes) were defined as 'medium runway', effectively making them airfields...they would light up.


Unfortunately, you'd wind up trying to take off from inside one of the buildings...with spectacular explosion results.


So, at present, no. Other than having a self-illumination tga like Deuces was trying to do.



kevin stein

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Remember the Deuces work posted on TW forum. Guess it was some kind of index color based solution.


Guys from YAP posted pics of lighted cities at SimHq while back.

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Wonder if the new YAP2 will have lights? Thanks for the info guys, I guess we'll just keep our fingers crossed someone comes up with a viable solution

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