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Uploaded, just in time for the weekend :biggrin:


Should be available shortly ..... here


Have fun.


excellent news.I'll test it durring the weekend and see what I have to say.Thank you in advance.

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Thank you Petero1; your devotion is astounding.


IMHO your FM work is a very important part of the game, and certainly is one of the main reasons I stay involved with it.



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NIce 1 Peter

With all that testing n tweekin u must be penciled in for some well earned R&R :victory:

Cheers M8

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like always you have made a fabulous work


for the first time the nieuport 11/16 can fight agains albatros without be a target


the game will be different without you


thank you again


(ps: i thank all people that work on this game too )

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hmmm...sorry guys, going to have to delete the download


just installed from CA, and some planes are not the ones I last did. I use several different installs, looks like I got some mixed up


its a reason why tidying up before uploading takes time, not only cleaning up test stuff, but just testing to ensure I have right ones...


it'll take a few days

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AOK Peter01


If we never made mistakes everything would be perfect and we would then have nothing to do.



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Okay, reloaded, and available.


There were some incorrect early (very early) files in previous upload, you should download and install all these.


All the Nieuports are different, some others too - not sure how many or which ones, I didn't check all the previous ones.


Have checked these though :smile: , and flying them all yesterday, I'd say if your not flying Nieuports for a while now :biggrin: , well, I just give up :huh:

Edited by peter01

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As I spent some time tidying up files for the 1916-1917 pack, decided to do the same for a couple of others I have changed as well recently, an update a few to the FMs provided earlier in 1917-1918 pack.


Changed N28, Snipe FMs so that elevators don't freeze up so much at high speeds. Thanks to Tailspin for pointing this out.


Pup, Tripe changed considerably, improved.


Have changed the main download pack too, but included a seperate smaller download for those that have already downloaded this larger pack earlier.

Edited by peter01

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Thanks again Peter01! I'm doing a new install and this will be the first mod loaded.



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Hello Peter01,


The Pup-Snipe-Tripe update is magnificent, they fly like a dream ! The Albatros D.2 in the 1916-17 FM is also very good. With your FM's First Eagles is finally really 3 dimensionally; the aircraft turn, roll and zoom. No more weird spinbehaviour ( going sideways !! ) and that nasty moment of inertia is now a nightmare of the past. Flight-characteristics have become fluently. Thanks for your excellent work.




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excellent work


especialy the use of the rudler by the IA :ok:


this is a normal practice with WWI plane it work better than aileron


thank you

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Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback, especially on how the planes feel/fly.


Yeah, Tooner, you have a good feel for the planes ... I believe Tk has improved the inertia thing, it was a bit one dimensional before. Now you still get prop torque, but its more subtle and better. Yes, the Tripe especially is now real sweet, definitely among my best.


Christian, I do the rudder differently to TK in the FMs. Not the control section, but the combination of forces within the FM - its a substantial difference and it took a while to do this successfully. So combining an FM that has potentially more rudder, and giving the AI more rudder ability in the AI parameters (still don't know why TK doesn't do this), means that the AI not only climbs, dives, turns, rolls, but yaws very well .... and as a result, as Bandy nicely put it, they are a very slippery lot.


TK has developed the best dogfighting AI of any flight sim, bar none.


Thanks again for taking the time to post.

Edited by peter01

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Got to where I have flown alot of the DIII, OAW, and the D5 now and I like all of them so far. Have flown them against the spads, camels, nieuports, and some 2 seaters and it has been a good fight all around and each plane seems to have a skill set of what it can do finally. Things before seem to be very "same" feeling in alot of planes. Now they seem to have a nice feel. Just hit where im in the D5a now and later on the D7s and will try and post more.


Great job on all of the hun planes so far. :clapping:


Also did a few single missions and the Se5a seem to be one that if you could work it well it would be a sweet plane. Not sure who has more time in the plane around the forum here. If they were like the albs it took a bit to learn how to use them in DFs but once I found it its a good match up of planes.

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An update uploaded as a seperate download to a few FMs provided earlier for 1917-1918 period.


The Brisfit, Dolphin, SchuckertD3, PfalzD12 needed some tweaking, and have changed considerably, improved.


Should be available shortly.

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Another update.


To the 1916-1917 FMs.


Added the Fe8. Changes (minor and major) to mainly Fokker E3, Fokker E4s, HalberstadtD3, Walfisch, Albatros D2, Morane N, Nieuport 11, Nieuport 16, Fe 2b/c. But many have AI changes too, recommend you install all of them.


You can't takeoff in the N11, Fe2b/c. Sorry, but takeoff is very tricky to get right with the new flight model, especially so for earlier planes. Will look at them later down the track.


Likely to be another round of tweaks on some of these - mainly wing warping, stress modelling (tho N11 and N16 will shed wings if you pull up hard at higher speeds, around 120-130mph) and takeoff. But they are starting to look pretty good generally, and won't update for a while.

Edited by peter01

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Well, another update, sorry guys.


Added a newer FokkerD8 FM on 1917-1918 update, and slightly better Roland, Fe8, Morane Ns for 1916-1917 pack.


Had some time to do more testing on these tonite and they are better than those uploaded before - I usually have a couple of versions tested, then load those that are completely tested, even tho some in a set are still being improved. I like to upload sets at a time.


But this is it - I don't have any more on the assembly line, whatsoever.

Edited by peter01

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I'm not trying to sound like an @ss kisser but the dedication and work you have put into this ius nothing short of amazing.I has to be frustrating to put hours apon hours of work into something to only have it negated to some extent by a patch a few weeks latter.to redo all this work so soon is a real sign of dedication.I wish to thank you for the hard work you have done for all of us in the community. :fans:

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Yes its been time consuming. More frustrating, as you could probably attest to with all my incremental updates (and hopefully improvements over time), its been challenging with the new style FMs.


But I'm happy with the result. All modesty aside, 90% of the FMs (probably ALL the 1917-1918 planes) are now of a very high and consistent standard. I doubt I can improve any of these ones from a perspective of how they fly, feel and their performance differences. And, hehehe, they are as good if not better than most of TKs too!!


Still a couple of things to do, but the main challenge is the wing warpers... the earlier planes are harder to do without a doubt (need to feel somewhat different, and stalls/takeoff are tricky), and haven't yet found a way mimicking wing warping that I'm reasonably happy with. Must get even a bit more lateral about this.....


Anyway, hope your all also enjoying the FMs.

Edited by peter01

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I would like to use Peter's ALBs in the patched version of FE - does anyone know what the new patch did and what would need to be edited?



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Hi Barkhorn1x,


You can use my alternative FMs by just putting them in the correct plane folders, as previously.


The patch doesn't change how they work.


TK has tweaked his FMs, in a very minor way mostly, thats all, and with mixed results, IMO. As I said a while back his initial lot were very highly tuned and hard to improve without completely redoing them, and I think thats the case for TK tweaking his own - or maybe he's just happy with them as they are :).


The Albs have changed most, their pitch (turn ability) improved considerably - its really the only change. They are quite good, and if these had been the initial version I probably wouldn't have done alternative ones. However, now that I have done them, I don't particularly like the new ones, for one reason: TKs Albs now are turn fighters, you can outturn a Camel in a dogfight. With mine you do need skill and a variety of tactics (turn, climb, and dive) to be successful, and I fly them quite a bit for this reason. It seems right to me. They are great AI too.


More generally, the older Spads 7s are better to me (I'll continue using the original ones), the Camel and Dr1 have changed marginally, maybe a bit of improvement. The Se5a is still useless. The Spad 13 a bit better, but again climb dive hasn't improved, its just become a turn fighter. The Re8 and DWFC5 are pretty much the same - I'd recommend using mine it makes them a bit better to fly if you like flying two seaters.


Just my opinions, you know.


Hope that helps.



Edited by peter01

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Well, despite what I thought, TK has made some changes that effect the FMs. Its not very obvious, and it wasn't until I started flying more intensively that it become clearer, and comparing the same flying experience in patched/unpatched versions - what I'm not sure, but certainly different.


If the planes are fine for you, then they are fine. But both TKs initial unpatched EP FMs (why he changed them?) and all mine are somewhat lighter at altitude, and for want of a better description, some/all are "flakier" on pitch.


Have posted in the Modders Corner section on Thirdwire's site to clarify, see what TK says, if anything.


In the meantime, since everyone would be playing the patched version, I've deleted the Expansion Pack FMs downloads. They don't work AFAIC in they way they were designed.


I am keen to get them fixed, and it doesn't seem difficult, but we'll see.....

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