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Losing a good friend

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This may not be a topic for this site, but this is the "Pub" forum, and I consider you all my friends.


Perhaps not all of you are cat-lovers, but so be it. I have a siamese cat named, Armand, that has been a loving companion of mine for the past 3 years, and he is dying. He took sick about three weeks ago with an upper respiratory infection. I have given him all possible medications, but Armand is so weak, I don't think he will pull through this.


Please keep him and me in your thoughts. I am trying to give my little companion all he needs to survive, but it is as if he has given up on himself.


Pets are a gift from God. I am thankful, so very thankful that Armand has been part of my life.



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Hey Chief..I know that my dog...Boo Boo,the worlds dumbest dog,is a big part of my family so losing a pet is more than that it's like losing a family member.and my grandson has a cat and dogs also so the whol efamily will keep you in our thoughts.

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I honestly think I would be pushed to edge of suicide, if my pug "Simone" ever died. I hope she can live for another 8-9 years or so she's 9 now, but she is overweight and its hard for her to lose weight, because physical activity really isnt recommended for pugs with respiratory problems.


....Sometimes I still think about my Cockerspaniel, he died prematurely, becuase of a number of health problems.

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Sorry to hear that and yes. they are part of a family and are considered one off the kids. I, have lost quite afew pets in the past and it is not always easy when something happens to them !!

I, have a pure Black Cocker Spanial and I do not look forward to the day that something should happen to her.

It's bad enough that my Wife is dying and there is nothing that I can do about it !! So yes, I know what you are going thru and I hope that he does not suffer to much.

But pets are very healing to some degree and I thank God that she is in my life. No, she will not replace my Wife when something happens to her but maybe in a small way it willbe easier to handle.



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Pets ARE family,it is all the family some have...I have a little kitty was born under my house,she the only one left of the litter as their mom up and went..yep I do love my little one,as does my wife..I understand Chief,hope her final inspection is painless...

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Sorry to hear about that Chief. I have a 5 year old cat I rescued from a dumpster and I cant imagine my life without him as well as my two dogs.

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Armand is still holding his own. Although extremely weak, he licks up the juice from the cat food I offer to him. I am continuing to give him subcutaneous fluid under his skin, as he is still dehydrated, and is losing weight quickly. He doesn't have much weight to lose. As you can see from the picture, he is not a large cat.


Wednesday, if he is not better, I will take him to the vet. They will place a feeding tube in him to give him the nutrients that he needs, but does not have the desire or strength to eat for himself.


If that doesn't work, I am afraid nothing will.


I will keep you all posted.


Thanks so much for your support.



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Chief, we are all thinking of you. It's tuff to lose a pet, they have a way of making themselves an important member of the family. We just got a new pup here last week, after being petless for years, and the little cutie is already worming her way into my heart.

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Guest Ranger332

Sorry to hear your in pain--We Jeager and I can relate we have 3 pitbulls, 2 cats, 2 hairless rats,1 ferret,1 sugerglider,3 fish,and 2 crabs. if anything happens to any the whole famile feels it.


So hang in there "BRO" --its funny Military types will get closer to animals then to ppl, pets never do anything without a reason,unlike ppl ppl will do things without any reason. Most cases all they ever give back is trust ,and one can even call it love.

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Chief, the Good Lord gave us the responsibility to take care of the critters he made. In the process, his intent was that we could learn much about patience, forgiveness, loyalty, child-like trust, and love. My dog Buddy has been one of my closest freinds ever. I'd truely hate to lose him, as if a close human friend was gone. I sincerly and deeply hope Armand gets better soon. I know how I would feel in your position.

If he doesnt, I pray youll have the courage and yes, love, to do what is needful to keep his suffering minimized. Being a country boy, I have helped much with horses and cows and other critters, and it isnt an easy thing but I beleive its also a part of our responsibility. Know that God even watches over his sparrows, so he knows about Armand too. That kind of knowledge has helped me in the past. And I have never forgotten the lessons I have learned from these good animals, I have become a better man for them...



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Armand goes to the vet tomorrow morning for them to put in a feeding tube. The vet explained to me a couple days ago that it is something they do to provide the necessary nutrients, and hopefully stimulate the animals desire to live.


I can only pray this works. It is the only thing left to try.


I will let you know what happens, my friends.



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Guest Ranger332

Our thoughts will be with you and yours

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Hey chief , I am sory to hear about your cat. Mine did something similar last year after a respitory infection. I had to feed her with a syringe. I mixed up wet cat food and something called pedialite. Its a formula for babies when they are dehydrated. Anyways I mixed it so that it could pass through a 10 ml syringe and fed her that way for three days and she started eating on her own again. Hopefully you can find something that works for you.

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