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I just watched this clip on You Tube and was surprised to see the Kfir taxiing to the runway from the ramp area.




Is this a WOI only feature? Can the aircraft be steered while on the ground on the other Third Wire platforms?

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  TurtleHawk said:
Yes, they can be steered on the ground in the others.


Excellent! Though I've just gone through the control settings and they're not listed. Do you know what they are? :search:

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Use ur rudder keys or if its mapped on ur controller, then the rudder controls steering on the ground as well. Thats all u have to do.

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  Jarhead1 said:
Use ur rudder keys or if its mapped on ur controller, then the rudder controls steering on the ground as well. Thats all u have to do.


No joy on either my friend. Oh well, it was worth a try. I don't suppose you could give me a quote from your controller folder?

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Ok, well, as far as i knew that should have worked, but u might want someone else with more experience to help u out now, lol

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  Jarhead1 said:
Ok, well, as far as i knew that should have worked, but u might want someone else with more experience to help u out now, lol


Thanks for your advice bud. Knowing my luck it's probably something dead simple that's staring me in the face :crazy:

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Well, first of all you should patch WoI - update makes ground steering a little more sensitive.

Wheel steering doesn't work at high speed. Slow down and rudder keys should work. Don't forget to apply a little throttle and disengage the brakes.

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Ideally you want to taxi (drive around on the ground) less than 25 knots...use the rudder keys/controls to steer

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Re: Taxiing from ramp area.


The maker of the video has probably just driven the jet to the ramp and then started the video.


You cannot/do not start on the ramp in WOI.


Or he may have made a mission with the jet in the ramp area - but I'm not sure if this is possible.


Re: Steering is just by moving the rudder control.


Do you have the Flight Model on easy settings? - then rudder, in the air, doesn't work so may not work on ground either.


If you have a joystick with rudder control set FM to Hard - Jet is still easy to control, in fact you have better control. Easy is for sticks with no rudder control.

Edited by csb

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  csb said:
Re: Taxiing from ramp area.


The maker of the video has probably just driven the jet to the ramp and then started the video.


You cannot/do not start on the ramp in WOI.


Or he may have made a mission with the jet in the ramp area - but I'm not sure if this is possible.


Re: Steering is just by moving the rudder control.


Do you have the Flight Model on easy settings? - then rudder, in the air, doesn't work so may not work on ground either.


If you have a joystick with rudder control set FM to Hard - Jet is still easy to control, in fact you have better control. Easy is for sticks with no rudder control.


Flight controls have been 'customised'. Have tried using rudder controls without luck. I always start my missions at the start of the runway and have tried utilising steering there using rudders while moving at about 15kts along the runway. Even after landing I've tried to steer my baby to her her berth but alas, it was all in vain :dntknw: .........siiiiiigh

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Huh? They're supposed to work that way without any customisation.. :blink:

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  Gr.Viper said:
Huh? They're supposed to work that way without any customisation.. :blink:


Precisely my reaction bud. I've gone through the Default ini file and there doesn't seem to be any controls allocated for this function.

Does anybody have a 'quote' from their Controls/Default ini file that I can copy to mine? I know that to a lot of people this might seem a trivial issue, but in my case when I come across a niggling little problem like this, I can't let it lie easily! :aggressive:

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Just tried out a few things a couple of minutes ago. Looks like I was using the wrong keys. All the time I was pressing the left/right keys when I should have been pressing comma/period. :slow(en):

Thanks to all for putting up with me during this fools errand of mine. Must have been all that alcohol my brain soaked up last Friday :haha:

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I kind of figured it was something you were overlooking, as I have never had an issue with NWS in this series in the 8+ years I've been using it.


Glad you got it sorted, as I know what you mean about obsessing about niggly bits...



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Hi Ultramax


So you use the keys for steering, don't you have a joystick with a twist handle for rudder control?


I'd recommend getting one; adds that little bit extra/realistic control when flying AND you don't need to look at keyboard so often.

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