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I take Q-5D and try make Q-5E/F (Ground radar version)


This is very BETA version, I don't know correct data about KOMAR radar (I use F-16Anetz radar from WOI), and laser designator (I use KLEN-54).




New skin - china camo;

Technical data tweaked;

Cockpit repared (I use cockpit named Su-7, but with 2 engines indicators);

Hud added;

New china and russia weapons on new_weapons.txt (ASM, LGB, Russian JDAM, Yu-2 torpedo etc).




DOWNLOAD IT, TEST IT,PLEASE !!! http://rapidshare.de/files/39429122/Q-5E.rar.html

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why dont you just upload it here as a Beta? :blink:

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Some beta never can be gamma... Just try it, if you want....

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Please fix two things!






















MaxDeploySpeed=12 <------ there must be 125




add to AircraftData section:




you need to lower the seat, this is pretty close (at least, it gets it under the canopy)




those are fixes from wrench, please do this than it`s ok!

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As to the radar/cockpit...I'm assuming (as I've not looked this up yet), there'd be a display CRT somewheres in there...why not use Boopidoo's Su-15 pit, as it's got the twin-engine annunicators, the needed display, and may have something close to the look needed? Even if not 100%, it'll be 'close enough for government work'. Adjust the positionining accordingly in the cockpit ini, and see what's up.


The green skin looks much better!!! Remember, "a good coat of paint hides a multitude of sins" :rofl: - always loved that one!

You might want to think about resizing the main skin -- 12megs is kinda large for one with such low details; take it down to 1024x, and it'll still look good. Also, it reduces the size of the final package, increasing up/down load times. The model is low-detailed enough to get away with this easily.


You could even switch the pilot from the 'RedAir', to Pilot00, which has a white helmet and green flight suit. It's on my site; and you're welcome to use it.


I like it! Release it here as a Beta+, make some cockpit changes, etc. I'd say we're on track for winner here!



kevin stein

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not familur with this AC so I dont know if its doing as it should ,but seems fun to fly. so as I stated prior upload it here as Beta. Iam sure there are a few here up on this AC that can help. (I reduced theskin to 512 and painted it for grin's.)


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[[i like it! Release it here as a Beta+, make some cockpit changes, etc. I'd say we're on track for winner here!]]


I'm almost finished with a Mig-19P cockpit.







Edited by ordway

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  ordway said:

[[i like it! Release it here as a Beta+, make some cockpit changes, etc. I'd say we're on track for winner here!]]


I'm almost finished with a Mig-19P cockpit.



One thing about the radar. The radar screen shows the RP-22MA. The Mig019P had a RP-1 Izumrud radar.

So the radar screen should be all red.

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Something about Q-5E/F








为使用激光制导武器而研制同一机型两种不同的改型,似乎较为难以理解。站长认为这可能是由于强-5载重量偏小、机体挂点分布和载重不理想导致的。由于吊舱需要半埋于机腹下方,必须专门改造出F型。深究下去,一则强-5狭窄的机腹挂点位置一则无法携带体积较大的炸弹,二则本机投弹后如果提供照射的话,空气的散射会导致于本机处于同一飞行方向上的激光制导炸弹接受到过多的散射激光,从而受到干扰而无法正常工作,因此必须由另外的平台从不同的方向上提供照射。同时E型也只能在外部翼段的挂点下携带制导炸弹,这只要是因为内侧挂架后方是主起落架,无法携带尺寸较大的武器。 外电报道称LS-500J近似于俄罗斯的КАБ-500Л(KAB-500L)激光制导炸弹。该弹由位于莫斯科的国家研究生产协会(ГНПП)于 1972年开始研制,1975年投产,广泛装备对地攻击飞机。该弹为半主动激光制导炸弹,其结构与性能类似于美国第一代“宝石路”激光制导炸弹。采用500千克低阻爆破炸弹作为战斗部。头部加装由小圆柱体和稳定环组成的风标式导引头,其后为四片十字形配置的活动舵面,用以控制风标式导引头,对准受机载激光照射器照射的目标。尾部加装四片十字形配置的固定弹翼,起飞行稳定作用。全弹重534kg,全弹长3050mm,弹体直径400mm。装填195kg高爆炸药,翼展850mm。


Improtant points:


1,The Q-5E/F is just a guessed name

2,7 Weapon station

3,Outwings station can load with LS-500J Laser-guided Bomb

4,Q-5E with one LG-pod Q-5F with two LG-bomb one Q-5E with four Q-5F

5,LS-500 similar to KAB-500L,and Paveway.



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I guess the HUD isn't looks the same to SU-17's but more same to western..........

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"One thing about the radar. The radar screen shows the RP-22MA. The Mig019P had a RP-1 Izumrud radar.

So the radar screen should be all red."


Can you show me a color picture of the RP-1 Izumrud radar.


Hmmm, so it looks like this?


Edited by ordway

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Nice link Richard!

That's pretty much how it's set up, in the original version of the 17PFU, and in my 19P/PM mods (since I just reused the 17PFU avionics ini :wink: )



kevin stein

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  lindr2 said:
I take Q-5D and try make Q-5E/F (Ground radar version)......



Cockpit repared (I use cockpit named Su-7, but with 2 engines indicators)


This is the real Cockpit of 强-5(Q-5),frist picture is late Cockpit, and others are early Cockpit.

sorry,my english is very poor.




Edited by blackforest

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Cockpit of 强-5(Q-5),frist picture is late Cockpit, and others are early Cockpit.

sorry,my english is very poor.



Very nice indeed!



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  Wrench said:
Nice link Richard!

That's pretty much how it's set up, in the original version of the 17PFU, and in my 19P/PM mods (since I just reused the 17PFU avionics ini :wink: )



kevin stein


Great! So can you recommend an existing useful radar screen/radar screen template.

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