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Thank You MK2

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Nice to see you Mk2. 

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Looking for something else, I found this topic and thought I might of completely missed this post. I was nowhere near the first page, but I didn't miss it. However, I missed one more detail:

Thank you for funding Third Wire's First Eagles. It remains my preferred sim for WW1 flying. The Third Wire engine and bi-plane combat were a perfect fit :)

Not only will I thank you with words (as I have before)...
But I will put my money where my mouth is.
If you need users to subscribe to keep this megadownload site open, then I will be a subscriber.
I have used the TeamSpeak server, download section, and forums countless times.
The other news, reviews, and interviews are great too.

Thanks to Mad Jeff for creating BioHaz.
Thanks to MK2 and friends for picking it up and making it combatace.com

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Thx from me too Mk 2 !!!!!

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