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I always wondered why in TW sims, after you blow any parts off a hapless foe, they tend to pinwheel and piouroette and loop through the air in a flaming acrobatics show the likes of which would not otherwise be possible, and continue to climb and turn and all that with tails, wings and pilots missing, and commonly with no engine either. In real life, it seems that damaged planes usually go in a more or less downward direction, especially if any of the aforementioned articles have ceased to be. However, I always kept my mouth shut, seeing as it was never long before the overly acrobatic stiff either expired in a flaming ball of death or became a deep, smoking crater. Alas, I have now witnessed the apogee of these post-mortem aerobatic displays.


I had just blown the tail off a Bf-109 and the first thing it did was flip backwards so it was looking straight at me through my gunsight. Then it flipped again and pulled a gut-wrenching 10-G turn and climbed five thousand feet, accelerating to 250 knots straight up with no engine and a deadstick prop. I hit autopilot and decided to follow this messed-up messerschmitt on it's plunge to death. It climbed up to 20,000 feet (from about 10,000 where I shot it), stalled, and began a series of loops all the way down to it's eventual, albeit abrupt, demise. It would loop about once every 5 or 10 seconds, losing 100-200 feet per loop. It continued on like this for 15 minutes and 19 seconds untill it bodyslammed terra firma.






Anyway, I just thought I'd share this, er... happenstance and maybe see if something of this caliber has happened to anybody else.

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I've seen weird cases of this before, but not to the extreme that you just mentioned.

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I hit autopilot and decided to follow this messed-up messerschmitt on it's plunge to death. It climbed up to 20,000 feet (from about 10,000 where I shot it), stalled, and began a series of loops all the way down to it's eventual, albeit abrupt, demise. It would loop about once every 5 or 10 seconds, losing 100-200 feet per loop. It continued on like this for 15 minutes and 19 seconds untill it bodyslammed terra firma.



...and where was Cougar while you were showboating with this 109 ?

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...and where was Cougar while you were showboating with this 109 ?



he was doing just fine I imagine - but was probably flying around with 2 enemy planes on his 6 and not really caring about it :)



Have seen plenty of Migs etc that take ages to go down - even with 1 wing - cant comment on how realistic this would be - you would expect it to go straight down spinning around like a helicopter maybe.

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In my case, a Herky went into shallow, downward-orbiting pattern until it hit the dirt 5-10 minutes later. The engines and crews were already dead though... And also there's an F-105 caught in a nuke blast that went flat-spinning into several thousand feet higher before plunging straight down.


But I just dismissed it with "Wow, what a great display it made!" :biggrin:

Edited by New Guy

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TOP GUN refrence.quote name='Rambler 1-1' date='Aug 5 2008, 09:36 PM' post='181797']


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OH! maybe I would have understood that if I actually saw top gun...

he was doing just fine I imagine - but was probably flying around with 2 enemy planes on his 6 and not really caring about it :)


No way! I always take care of every enemy before I even think of RTBing. And my wingie didn't even run out of gas either. In fact, he hardly had to do any shooting, it was ME in a SPIT against 2 109s... Can we say "turkey shoot"?


Also, the strange part wasn't really the multitude of loops, it was the engineless 250-knot (faster than my spit's cruise speed) powerclimb up to 20 grand.

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Yep! it's a pretty strange thing to see every once in a while.



A few weeks ago i blew the wing off an IL-28 and it took forever to go down.

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With one wing lost, the B-47 has TEH ROx0r dead cat bounce, gaining and giving up, and gaining again, about 4km altitude for maybe 5 or 10 minutes.


Worse with LeMay's high altitude jests, PVO SAMs keep firing at the left overs, its still a live target, but the gyrations are so wild, the missiles miss (very early non-manueverable S-25).


Be careful of the volatilty here. Don't try to time the top or bottom of this. Use NO MARGIN.



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OH! maybe I would have understood that if I actually saw top gun...


You mean to say you haven't seen Topgun?! :grandpa: Boy I'm starting to feel old ....... (falls out chair in shock)

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I think watching Top Gun should be a pre-requisite for joining the site. Mods - get on it. :smile:

Edited by Timmy

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every time I got to rent it, it's out! Anyway, I'd much rather pretend to fly on my computer than watch a celebrety pretend to fly in a movie.

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I think Timmy meant, the Movie is a way to learn how to make fun of yourself and the things you like, such as, flying Tomcats in The Sims.


Think how Trekkies or Tomcatties get completely bent when you make fun of their show or plane, while SF and LEXX fans always poke fun at their own sim or show (they have no alternative).


Everything I know about Canada, and Canadians :shok: I learned by watching LEXX on TV.

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LIES! ALL LIES, I TELL YOU! although we really DO say "zed" instead of "zee".


And it's not a "Knit cap" or a "Wool hat", or even a "Took". It's a Toque!

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