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After refueling some RAF GR.4s the other day, I came to realize that we dont have an updated Tornado for the TW series.


So being somewhat useful and using the Knowledge Base to answer some of my questions, I was able to create a GR.4 from the GR.1. I've added the LITENING III pod to the appropriate station, along with the Enhanced Paveway III to stay with the current config. I'm only missing the new RAPTOR recce pod. ;) I've also created some new skins in the current grey scheme. They are really plain, as the in-theater jets have no unit markings applied, unfortunately.


The key missing items for the airframe are the second under nose fairing for the FLIR (could be as simple as adding another from the same basic GR1 model), the new HUD, and new cockpit display. Also missing from the basic model are the inboard BOL IRM rails, but I've added the AIM-9s as per the KB as a placeholder.


If this is something that people are interested in, I can contact the owners of the model and request permission to release it as is. Or even better, get with them and maybe add some stuff.




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Hell YES, go for it!!!!


Wasn't Florian (Amok Floo) redoing his GR or was that the F.3???



kevin stein

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Jeff, give me some time ("2 weeks" :biggrin: ) and i could update the external model of my IDS to GR4. Joke aside. I think can get this done in a few hours. :wink:

Kevin, well, i planned to map the new F3 model after the release of the Mirage (wich is VERY! near... :whistling: )

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Jeff, give me some time ("2 weeks" :biggrin: ) and i could update the external model of my IDS to GR4. Joke aside. I think can get this done in a few hours. :wink:

Kevin, well, i planned to map the new F3 model after the release of the Mirage (wich is VERY! near... :whistling: )




No worries. I can wait on this then. When you get time to do your magic, PM me and I'll finish up the package.





P.S. The Mirage sounds cool!

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Jeff, give me some time ("2 weeks" :biggrin: ) and i could update the external model of my IDS to GR4. Joke aside. I think can get this done in a few hours. :wink:


How long would it take to cook up some templates for your Tornado? :wink:

Edited by Gocad

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I could have grabbed some tmplates together in a day or two. Guess i could squeeze that between Mirage 2K and the F3. :wink:

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Guess i could squeeze that between Mirage 2K and the F3. :wink:


Whoops, didnt mean to add any headaches.


BTW, is that a current shot of Hahn in your sig?



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Whoops, didnt mean to add any headaches.


BTW, is that a current shot of Hahn in your sig?




No deal, expect a PM in the next few hours. :wink:


Yes, it´s former Hahn Air Base, now called "Frankfurt-Hahn Airport". I work there on the tarmac.

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Speaking of Tornados...any chance of the oddity known as the Tornado EF.3? (Although it would be mostly adapting some GR pieces to the F.3.)

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RAF Tornado GR.4 performing low level task over Germany.


Need to play around with skin, decals and the glass of the two nose fairings.

The Sidewinder rails are chooseable to be loaded with either only inboard or both side rail missiles (only inboard won´t show outer rails).

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Nice one there. The outer Sidewinder rails can be used for ALARMs too, IIRC.

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RAF Tornado GR.4 performing low level task over Germany.


Need to play around with skin, decals and the glass of the two nose fairings.

The Sidewinder rails are chooseable to be loaded with either only inboard or both side rail missiles (only inboard won´t show outer rails).


My friend, do you ever rest :smile:

Great work :good:

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RAF Tornado GR.4 performing low level task over Germany.


Whoa !


That is simply gorgeous my friend. :good:


Thankyou !

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STORM might deal with the INIs and skin/decals and release it, if he won´t find the time, i´ll tune it up myself and shoot it up. :wink:

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STORM might deal with the INIs and skin/decals and release it, if he won´t find the time, i´ll tune it up myself and shoot it up. :wink:


I'm working on this in between my flights here in OIF/OEF. At least I have the real thing to look at and ask questions about ;)



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Any new cockpit for GR4?


It will require some new displays. Namely a replacement of the round center and upper left screens to square displays. I dont have the tools/knowledge to do that type of mod, so some help would be appreciated if Florian is ok with it.


I'm off the flight schedule today, so I've spent most of the day working on the INIs. The LOADOUT.ini is nearly complete, but I'm still getting some random weapons to load when they arent specified. I'm also seeing if a FLIR can be added since the jet has one even without carrying a targeting pod (LITENING III). Might try using a modified TCS from the Tomcat and reverse engineer it (with permission of course).


Back to work on the ini's



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