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US SOF Rescue of FARQ Hostages

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This may be dated somewhat, but the news media are finally admitting that the recent rescue of four men and one woman held by the Columbian terrorist gang, FARQ, was by the US special forces and not the Columbian military which recieved (an colorfully took) credit for the rescue. Evidently, our spooks slipped a helicopter in foul weather to the camp, convinced the local guards that they had orders to transport the hostages and the locals helped them load them aboard the helicopter. The prisoners were not informed that this was a rescue until they were airborne. Not a shot fired and five prisoners, in captivity for four years, are now home. Venezuela is in mourning. This is truely one for the good guys who accomplish, daily, good things. They are among the "no news is good news" guys that rarely get and rarely want the media coverage their exploits deserve. Good on them all!!!

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Good on them all!!!


Ditto! I'd heard about this a while ago and wondered if it didn't really sound like a typical Columbian operation. Now we know why!



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Why do I think that articles exposing such facts do more harm than good? :rolleyes:

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good job! (no matter who was involved :)

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Has that silly flap about the Red Cross been cleared up yet?

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This may be dated somewhat, but the news media are finally admitting that the recent rescue of four men and one woman held by the Columbian terrorist gang, FARQ, was by the US special forces and not the Columbian military which recieved (an colorfully took) credit for the rescue. Evidently, our spooks slipped a helicopter in foul weather to the camp, convinced the local guards that they had orders to transport the hostages and the locals helped them load them aboard the helicopter. The prisoners were not informed that this was a rescue until they were airborne. Not a shot fired and five prisoners, in captivity for four years, are now home. Venezuela is in mourning. This is truely one for the good guys who accomplish, daily, good things. They are among the "no news is good news" guys that rarely get and rarely want the media coverage their exploits deserve. Good on them all!!!




I don't know one way the other, but I haven't seen a thing on this.


An outstanding op no matter who did it with whomever's support.



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Why do I think that articles exposing such facts do more harm than good? :rolleyes:

Appropriate comment. However, it seems to be a double edged sword. One one side the bad guys are now aware of one of the methods our SOF will use. On the other hand, all bad guys know for certain that we will be coming. Stay awake and alert if you're in the bad guy business, it is only a matter of time before some really bad, better equipped, better trained, and eager SOF dude will be offering you the opportunity to die for your cause. Kinda gives me a warm fuzzy.

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