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Cheers to our UK friends!

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My wife and I recently got back from our first trip to London and had a great time (finally managed to get there after several aborted tries over the years). We stayed with a friend who lives in London and didn't really leave London, but we found EVERY Londoner that we interacted with was polite, helpful, and friendly.


Despite being obvious American tourists, we were always made to feel welcome and the hospitality was very much appreciated!


Trip highlights: Two nights of music in Hyde park at the Hard Rock Calling fest.

The Imperial War Museum (my wife went to Wimbledon, and I went here. Easily spent 4 hours touring the place.)

The Tower of London Key ceremony (our friend knows a Yeoman Warder and got us into the after hours tour/ceremony. It was great to see the Tower without the crowds of tourists)

Beer at the MANY pubs we visited. Even though we try, here in the US we still don't have anything that's comprable to an English pub. And we're still a bit puritanical about alcohol.


Trip lowlights: Maame Tussaud's was overpriced and overcrowded. No worth it to see fake celebrities.

Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace- WAY too many people meant I got to see nothing but the backs of heads.


Hats off to the Brits for being great hosts!

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Glad someone likes it over here - did you enjoy the rain? :biggrin:


actually temperature today is whopping 25 degrees C - no sun though - just a thick layer of grey clouds


was that the IWM in London - or did you get out to Duxford?




Actually, when we were there we only had two days of rain. The rest of the time it was sunny and pleasant (70F). Turns out to have been the best weather of our summer; when we got back home we endured the 7th rainiest summer on record here in New Hampshire.


I went to the IWM in London, didn't get a chance to get out to Duxford, but we have plans for a return trip next year.

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Glad you liked it Tank.


If you can, try going up North. If you think Londoners are friendly you'll love us at the sharp end :wink:


The only place in the States I've ever been is Florida, the usual Disney trip etc but I'd love to see other parts of the US.


Always wanted to go to places like Montana and Wyoming. One day.

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Trip lowlights: Maame Tussaud's was overpriced and overcrowded. No worth it to see fake celebrities.

Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace- WAY too many people meant I got to see nothing but the backs of heads.


Hats off to the Brits for being great hosts!


Glad you had fun in my home town! Next time try the horseguards change, it is more fun & intimate than Buck House. My kids love it. Actually I've been doing more touristy things with the family this summer, it is more fun than it looks. Funny how you live in a place and never see the sights?

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Glad you liked it Tank.


If you can, try going up North. If you think Londoners are friendly you'll love us at the sharp end :wink:


The only place in the States I've ever been is Florida, the usual Disney trip etc but I'd love to see other parts of the US.


Always wanted to go to places like Montana and Wyoming. One day.


I agree with Nicky on this one if you think London was friendly next time venture out of London and the big cities into the rural countryside and other areas its completely different and the welcome is every bit as warm and the pubs are as real as they come.


I have only been to Washington State but it was on a different scale to anything here in the UK the scenary was awesome and the hills were higher than our highest mountains.



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Glad you liked it Tank.


If you can, try going up North. If you think Londoners are friendly you'll love us at the sharp end :wink:


The only place in the States I've ever been is Florida, the usual Disney trip etc but I'd love to see other parts of the US.


Always wanted to go to places like Montana and Wyoming. One day.


Traveling around the US is literally like visiting other countries. I've taken numerous trips around the Caribbean, and although those are all separate countries, there are many similarities even when the languages are different.

There are a few states I've not visited yet, although some I've not been to in over 20 years, but I always find that same mix of "like home" and "different than home" in every one.

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Texas, especially the hill country is magnificent. I really like how cordial and polite the people are. It reminds me of how Arizona was when I was growing up.

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When I used to work in London, rather than deal with the crowds around Buckingham Palace, I'd wander down to St. James's Palace and watch them changing guard there. Up close and personal. Of course, that was some 20 years ago, so security measures have probably messed things up.

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When I used to work in London, rather than deal with the crowds around Buckingham Palace, I'd wander down to St. James's Palace and watch them changing guard there. Up close and personal. Of course, that was some 20 years ago, so security measures have probably messed things up.


One of the benefits of our having stayed with a "native" was that, barring the Buckingham fiasco, he was able to give some hints on how to enjoy London with a locals knowledge. He did mention St. James's to us for the guard change but we wnated to see the "big show" at Buckingham. Learned our lesson; always listen to the local advice.

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