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Changing 'Campaign Aircraft'

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Is there a way to change the aircraft you're 'given' after starting a campaign in WOE.


In other words, I start a campaign and the squadron I'm assigned to is flying the F-15; is there a way to change that (for example) to an F-14?


Thanks in advance for any assistance.




J. Kelly

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I have changed the aircraft in user made campaigns in SF Gold and i read a line in the ini that said unit upgrade, but i have had no luck doing the same with the stock campaign. :blink:

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I have changed the aircraft in user made campaigns in SF Gold and i read a line in the ini that said unit upgrade, but i have had no luck doing the same with the stock campaign. :blink:




Thanks for the info!




J. Kelly

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Extract the campaigns data.ini file (ie woeCamp1_date.ini) from the cat file in the flight folder



find the unit you want to change and add this with the plane you want to upgrade to during the campaign - obviously changing the date etc to what you want:






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You also have to wait for your base to be resupplied. See this entry in the campaign_data file, under the belligerents section:




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I would have sworn there was something in the knowledge base about editing campaigns, changing aircraft in a campaign, which I think is what is being asked.


I did a quick scan and couldn't find it.


Trying doing a search using "editing campaigns" or editing campaign aircraft", maybe.

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I would have sworn there was something in the knowledge base about editing campaigns, changing aircraft in a campaign, which I think is what is being asked.


I did a quick scan and couldn't find it.


Trying doing a search using "editing campaigns" or editing campaign aircraft", maybe.




Will do...Thanks!




J. Kelly

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