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Yes, you can kill a MiG with a lance...

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Or rather a Sparrow that hasn't yet armed itself...


These screens show multiple angles of the same shot; as my flight (2 F-14A, 2 F-8J) closed on the three remaining MiG-19's in the opposing flight, I fired an AIM-7 at the MiG seen in Angle 2 (4-o'clock high to my Tomcat). But as the AIM-7 left the fuselage rail, it slammed into another MiG-19 that was flying just below me, striking and destroying the MiG-19 literally right underneath my airplane; it destroyed him without exploding, and there was no damage done to my Tomcat. The darn thing's rocket motor had barely even fired!





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LOL...I had a similar experience with a Phoenix. Unfortunately, it was one of my wingmen that had strayed into it's flightpath.

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Just curious, what did the after-action review say? Was it declared as a miss or did it confirm it as a hit?

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AAR said it was a hit and a kill, just kind of funny that the missile hit the wrong aircraft, or rather, the wrong aircraft hit the missile!

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In the Congo an helicopter was shot down with bow&arrow (hit a fuel line) so why not a lance ??




Derk :smile:

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