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Can the Formation mod available here be applied to WOI?

The reason I ask is because I could not find the ini in the FlightData.CAT so I was wondering whether it is hard coded now.

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Can the Formation mod available here be applied to WOI?

The reason I ask is because I could not find the ini in the FlightData.CAT so I was wondering whether it is hard coded now.


I believe it is.

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I believe it is.

So no way of getting my wing man-on my starboard side? Stupid dingbat clipped my stabilizers the other night while getting into position(not that it makes a diff which side he is;he still prefers to go over rather than under!)

Anybody notice how the aces go Rambo on you in the middle of dodge?

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Not that I'm aware of...I'm using my own variant of the formation mod that was posted here some time ago...my wingies formate just fine. If there is a hard code, I haven't seen it.



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my wingies formate just fine.



You let your wingmen forminate? This is a family site!!!!111!

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You let your wingmen forminate? This is a family site!!!!111!



and you'all talk about us Navy guys..............



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While testing newly remapped models..


Formation mod works just fine with new WOI patch.



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Well just curious, since there wasnt a formation.ini to be found(or I didnt look well enough).

But thanks. Will put it in right away;and let them forminate if that be the new word for it!

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They're not formed up, they are just trying to hide themselves behinf each other!


Yeah, I know, it's just to see where things go/placeholder, but I saw the opening, and had to thake the shot!


You understand... :grin:

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