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Signs, signs, everywhere signs

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various and sundry examples of North Korean propoganda posters/signs. NOT responsible to damage to computer monitor, keyboard, or internal organs due to hysterical laughter








just wish I had a bigger billboard...3x5 meters would be good. Would't have to cut/paste, and fiddle with moving 2 units to create one.



kevin stein

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Until now, I didn't realize that computer peripherals could hold that much spilled beer. PLEASE make this available!

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Does Hans Brix know about this? :biggrin:




You're breakin' my barrs, Hans.

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You all should know me better than that....anything I ever show in a screenie, is gauran-dam-teed to be in game!! And usually, several things that never get shown, for you to discover


Blackbird, you asked about trees??




You even have battles going on in/around them, and truck routes running through them. Oh, yes...there's trees.



kevin stein

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Will you have two sets of signs? One with the dady of Kim? Kim il Sung. Would be perfect for Korean War. And the other with the beloved leader.

Nice work as usual, btw. :smile:

Oh, and will you make that largest-build ever flagpole, somewhere in the DMZ, with DPRK flag?

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Can convoys (the ones we hurt bad in AR) be composed of trucks carrying billboards? :biggrin:

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Gr: only if somebody builds me one, that I can figue out the mapping on......


wonder if I can repaint the USTruck white, and make it an ice cream truk...."we'll hit them where it hurts!!!"

hmmm 2....wonder if vehicles can take decals......


Emp: look at the first screenie again....the one on the left IS from an actual painting in Kim Il Sung. They all have a 0 start year, so they'll show up all the time. Too lazy to go and figure out when Kim jong Il took over...and more fun this way. Flagpoles, unfortunately, we're stuck with the one size as previously seen. Unless, again, someone builds me a new one...


TO ANY 3D MODLER Listening:

I sure could use a large billboard...approx 3x5 meters, approx 1 meter off the ground. I have some nice adverts I'd like to post!!!



kevin stein

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I have some nice adverts I'd like to post!!!

Like "Buy Combat Ace Subscriptions!!!", huh? :biggrin: Or pin-ups? :wink:

Or that bear warning poster about pepper and bells...

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Kim Jong Ill actually never took over. His dad died in 1994 but remained president (i know its strange). Kims titles is General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and chairman of the National Defense Commission. He recived those titles in 1997 and the year after chairman of the national defense commission was made the most powerfull position in the country. People may make fun of the rather silly political structure but one thing is sure... Its not fun to live in North Korea.


PS: that map looks sweet

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Emp: look at the first screenie again....the one on the left IS from an actual painting in Kim Il Sung. They all have a 0 start year, so they'll show up all the time. Too lazy to go and figure out when Kim jong Il took over...and more fun this way. Flagpoles, unfortunately, we're stuck with the one size as previously seen. Unless, again, someone builds me a new one...

Good job, as usual.

As said our danish friend: the date is 1994, but Kim il Sung is still a major figure of north-Ko propaganda.

Silly reds, capable of proclaiming the first zoombie president of a country. :blink:

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You're only doing Kimmy? He'll be so ronery...

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Timmy: Cool!!! If it's big enough...I have some really great ideas for eye candy......reaching back a loooong way to a DOS game that took place in this region :rolleyes:



kevin stein

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You're only doing Kimmy? He'll be so ronery...


And googling 'SO RONERY' turned up both pics of him and a Japanese man hugging a body pillow.

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No Christmas trees, but we are selling advertising space (courtesy of Timmy's fast 3d work). With deep appriciation, that's twice he's answered the call and help me out!!




Please ignore the sign in the background, as I've blocked out it's label. I have to redo that one. Still not quite 'dialed in' to the center of background board, and to get it to say exactly what I want it to



kevin stein


ps: I also got the TMF F-16A (10-NDC and ADF) to have operational ground radars with avi70 by to simple ini tweeks, and a quick repaing of the "not working" ag radar bmp. BTW, this is all in patched WoE.

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Do you need me to set the relative x-y-z values of the sign differently so the legs will show up? I think I centered it so it is be 4 metres high but the center is 2 m high. I can switch the center wherever you want easily so just let me know... TD

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Yes PLEASE!!!! If we can get it off the ground apporx 1 meter, or anything close! Then I can easily recenter the images (psds are the bomb for sign templates!)


and Timmy, thanks man! That's 2 I owe ya!!



kevin stein

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