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Hello everybody!


Anybody works on any version of Blackebird? Especialy YF-12 might be a good thing for our game :good:





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some one posted shots of a WIP SR-71 about 4 months ago, it looked great, no word since then.

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some one posted shots of a WIP SR-71 about 4 months ago, it looked great, no word since then.

For this aircraft addition, I suppose it would be good if missions of type RECON worked correctly - from my experience you get 'Mission Complete, RTB' as soon as you take off, regardless of the O.P location and Objective=TRUE directive in the .msn file.


Anyone got other experiences with this mission type? Perhaps I missed something.


Regards, comrpnt.

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Well, actually you have to reach Waypoint #5 to complete the recon mission successfully, but the game doesn't care whether you really fly to this waypoint or if you just cycle through them with the 'next waypoint' key.

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I was thinking whether it is possible to make a photo-weapon. The game will ignore it for sure - that can be player-only feature.

The idea goes like this:

1. Make an invisible and weightless unguided bomb.

2. Give it retractable fins like the ones retarded bombs have

3. Make fins deploy into one large flat rectange and texture it to resemble transparent photo frame (can't make it grayscale, but throw in some noise and frame markers and meaningless labels).

4. Make recon pod a pylon for this bomb


In game the player flies to the recon area, drops the "bomb", switches to weapon view which places the camera behind the "bomb" with fins out, then hits the PrintScreen. Go back to base, Alt+Tab out of the game and look at the developed film.


Other method involves cockpit position switching and adding a camera weapon working like Mavericks and Walleyes without lock i.e. pointing in one direction.

1. A recon-only plane with switchable seats. One of seats simply puts the player in front of a huge display.

2. Recon camera weapon, or even a set of wepons each with different camera zoom.


Chose zoom/weapon, take seat, fly over the target taking screenies. Just like in old Microprose F-19 and F-117 sims.


Comfy as hemorrhoids, I know, but making a game do things it's not designed for is always a bit of pain in the rear.

And I wish I could be arsed to make it :blush:

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I would choose the second possibility together with the cockpit switch feature of the A-26 so you can look trough the "camera" and you have a "screen" for zoom objectives?! What do you think about this...

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For this aircraft addition, I suppose it would be good if missions of type RECON worked correctly - from my experience you get 'Mission Complete, RTB' as soon as you take off, regardless of the O.P location and Objective=TRUE directive in the .msn file.


Anyone got other experiences with this mission type? Perhaps I missed something.


Regards, comrpnt.


Yes the mission complete, RTB while sitting on the catupult of tarmac is normal for recon. I found this out when I purchased YAP which has true recon missions, recon missions are a mod; they were not

designed into the series.



yes hitm4n, the SR-71 is a WIP it was posted on this site about 4 or 5 months ago if i remember correctly.

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I would choose the second possibility together with the cockpit switch feature of the A-26 so you can look trough the "camera" and you have a "screen" for zoom objectives?! What do you think about this...




Great idea.

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Yes the mission complete, RTB while sitting on the catupult of tarmac is normal for recon. I found this out when I purchased YAP which has true recon missions, recon missions are a mod; they were not

designed into the series.



yes hitm4n, the SR-71 is a WIP it was posted on this site about 4 or 5 months ago if i remember correctly.


Thats strange, i don't get mission complete until i make it to waypoint 5 and i don't have YAP. It Might have been broken in WOV but it works fine in a stock WOE install. Anyone else get mission complete before reaching WP5?

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