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I searched the kb but cant find if u can mod wov to have intercept missions. Anyone know if this is possible? Also since the new patch will static aircraft show up in third party terrains? if so how? Thanks guys

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When Yankee Air Pirates is available again you'll be able to do lots of intercepts from the North Vietnamese perspective.

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I searched the kb but cant find if u can mod wov to have intercept missions. Anyone know if this is possible? Also since the new patch will static aircraft show up in third party terrains? if so how? Thanks guys


Have only managed it through creating a campaign as in The Last Stand - Are you looking for a way to do it with single missions or campaigns?

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If you go into a certain aircraft's data.ini file you can add or take away any type of role an aircraft plays. So just add intercept to the line where it has the mission roles. However in WOV you'll have to add bombers to the game to fly an intercept mission, as the NVAF was strictly a defensive force

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Oops actually its Primary Mission, not Mission Roles where you add Intercept to the list

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Well i have intercept as a primary in many data inis and i have bombers in the game but id like to do intercepts as a single mission instead of migcap wich always seems to happen over enemy territory. I think the mission ini or dll needs to b modified if possible. dave, Wrench, any thoughts?

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Interception missions need some enemy bomber/attack aircraft. North Vietnamese forces were a defensive force. If you want these missions, tou can add some Il-28 to the Vietnaese side (they had some, but never used against EEUU), or add STRIKE or CAS in PrimaryRoles (in the MiG-17F_DATA file for example), but it's not realistic.....


If you like MiGs, you can download Charlie's Aces campaigns (here in Combatace), and fly the North Vietnamese side. Tons of interception missions. Very epic and very hard. A true must have.

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Thanks for replying guys but this is my merged install. I have plenty of bombers mostly Soviet, and since they came from sf all my interceptors have the correct primary role. the issue is i cant select intercept in single missions in the game like i could in SF. is there a way to fix that?

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Adding "intercept" to an aircraft's role will not enable it, as that mision type is not coded into WoV, to begin with.


As WoV is essentially a "historic" sim, and was originally written to be flown only on the allied side, intercept as a mission type was omitted. AFAIK, the only way to enable that sort of mission, is to create a merged install by adding WoE, and choosing the merged install option when prompted.

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Intercept missions you can fly if you fly for the Vietnamese in one campaign. In single missions it is impossible.

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