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RA-5C Late Model V1.0

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RA-5C Late Model V1.0

RA-5C Block 10 V1.0




Model, Textures and Weapons: Julhelm

FM: Fubar512 & Column5

Cockpit: Kesselbrut

Avionics: Moonjumper & Julhelm






* This is a late model RA-5C with the uprated J79-GE10 engines and LERX's.


* Working linear bombbay and underwing hardpoints.


* New models for the Mk27, Mk28 and Mk43 nuclear storetrains with accurate textures and complete entries for "dial-a-yield" functionality. As an added bonus, these nukes actually destroy things!




Installation notes:


Do not forget to install the weapons by adding the data entries to your weapondata.ini file and opening/saving it with the weaponeditor.




Legal s**t:


This file cannot be used in any payware packages or such, it also cannot be changed or tampered with in any way, or uploaded in any shape or form by a third party without my consent or permission.


Failure to adher to these rules will be punished by summary execution by firing squad - Your next of kin shall be billed for the expended cartridge.


You have been warned.




Nils 'Julhelm' Dücker


NilsD at bredband dot net


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Just like Raquel Welch - that's a fine pair you've got there.


Well done Nils!

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Thanks Julhelm for releasing the RA-5C its one of my fave recce planes, I just out ran a MIG 17!





Snapper 21

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