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Weasel Keeper

New Life For Phantoms, Killer Zombie Drones!

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Send in the Phantom Phorce ahead of the strike force to deplete or eliminate the anti-air threat.


Sounds like a terrific end to a great career for the F-4's. :ok:



ezlead (Phormer Phantom Phlyer)

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Hmmm, I'm wondering how credible that story is. I know the QFs were part of the new ARM test, in the early part of this year. But I hadnt heard of any plans to use them in place of a UAV. The fuel that beast burns is nuts. They'd have a 35 minute sortie.


Still though, I'd love to see the old Phantom grace the skies again.


Here's a pic of the new missile. Ironically it was on a QF-4G.





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I was talking about this w/a buddy of mine about 12 years ago when I was still in, be a great job for a grounded pilot.

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It's an interesting concept, but I'm not sure how cost effective it is.


Reapers are more expensive, initially, but they have several advantages I would imagine:


1) Loiter time - more efficient airframe and engine

2) Double duty - Recon with the camera ball and possible ELINT

3) More secure links - Because it's an in theatre aircraft, I'd imagine the Reaper's links and internal AI (for loss of downlinks) are more robust vs a aircraft that never leaves a test or weapons range

4) R&D - Already paid for, I'd imagine the F-4 remote capabilities (and ultimate weapons loadouts) would have to be developed and tested

5) MX - More than likely the Reaper has better MTBF and MX procedures...I had heard the F-4s were always a bit of a bear to work on compared to more modern aircraft


Finally, I get the feeling the missions would be different. The Reaper is more useful in COIN type operations, where loiter time and ultra positive target IDs take priority. A F-4 UCAV would be a different beast...designed for high speed, anti IADS operations where time is a factor. The 2 missions really don't overlap.


And cost savings isn't that great if survivability of your platforms is a serious issue (ie UCAVs, though unmanned, aren't exactly 'throwaway').



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5) MX - More than likely the Reaper has better MTBF and MX procedures...I had heard the F-4s were always a bit of a bear to work on compared to more modern aircraft


That's no lie as far as the F-4 MX...she was a bear to work on. Always had something to do even when she came back code 1. :rofl:

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That`s a really interesting fact, phantom drones, why not. It`s fast, looks cool and it`s a phantom! What do you want more?!

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Well they've already been using them as remote drones, so all that work is done. The shift to using them as UAVs instead of target drones probably just needs some software.


Wonder if the same could be done with older, even cheaper aircraft. Sabre UCAVs anyone?

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This topic gave me a good idea for a mod of ST0RM's QF-4E mod. Thanks!


Anyway, back on topic, what type of F-4s would they use? I read a while back that the airworthy F-4Gs were turned into target drones. I guess the one that fired off that HARM got lucky? Also, on that picture ST0RM posted, whats up with the tiger stripes on the Phantom?

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