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Southside Bucky

Triplane schemes.

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...The #4 1RNAS Tripe does have a 4 on the upper fuse. I didnt know how to get the decal up there...I have an Idea, but it will take some time. I'll add it as a patch when I figure it out.



Don't go to too much trouble, man...It's really OK as is!



The Squadron markings changed during the 11 months that they used the Triplane (Jan-Nov '17):


The line up photo was taken in July 1917 and shows the Naval 1 Triplanes in their final decor stage, when both the fuselage AND cowling were painted in the camo colour, PC10 (or PC12).


Maybe just do the planes you have a photo or profile for. If they're mostly white fins 'n wheels, that'll be cool. :ok:

Edited by Southside Bucky

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"14" in the photo shows possibly French markings???? Tail looks to have reversed colors. My Osprey sheme shows all white markings and Brit markings. The posted photo was a later shot of Tripes of 1RNAS? Than the white schemes were earlier? Not too much detail about that in the book. Maybe I missed it. I'll just make all the white trimmed renderings. Just like the Jasta's, this is getting confusing :blink: .

Also a couple will have red wheels and fin, like N5377 "4". Hope this is ok. Squad colors were too mixed up. Naval 10 had an "A" flight, "B"flight, and a "C"flight. Were all the Tripes red, blue, and Black?????? I could make a generic skin for each of these as well to add to the few profiles I have. Lots of work to do. I'm glad I know nothing about flight models. I would never leave the house. My wife would though :rofl::shok:

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Number 14 could be a later, replacement machine of course...


Re: Rudder stripes...Well spotted! :yes:


British a/c were built by many contracted company's. For instance, besides Sopwith's, Triplanes were also built by Clayton & Shuttleworth. My guess would be; maybe some contractors painted their stripes in reverse?


Dunno 'bout the red, white 'n blue or black flight colours applying to all 4 Tripe squadrons TBH, but Naval sqn's 1 and 10 do seem to have used that system.


Y'know, if I had to choose one plane as my favourite WW1 a/c, I think it'd have to be the Tripe...It was just sooo radical.


Looking forward to seeing the rest of your Tripe skins, but don't upset your Mrs in the process, man...Specially not THIS weekend! :no:


Have a good'un.

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While we are discussing Triplane skins... any chance one of you talented people would be interested in good, comprehensive, No. 10 RNAS "The Black Flight" skinset? There is a good start on a set that came with the plane, and it is much appreciated, but if it is possible I would like to have the proper named aircraft for each pilot.


Black Maria - Raymond Collishaw

Black Roger - Ellis Reid

Black Death - J.E. Sharman

Black Sheep - Gerald Nash

Black Prince - Melville Alexander


Pic of Black Maria replica HERE.


Pretty easy for the most part, what is green on the default Tripe should be black... black fuselage, black cowling, wheels etc... and the plane names on the side (left side only, as shown in pic"). Getting exact serial #s would be next to impossible and not necessary. It cannot be seen in that picture but I have seen one pic of Collishaw in his plane and the Sopwith logo/info was still on the rudder.


Thanks for reading, just thought I would ask. I am not sure if anyone will have time or inclination, but can't hurt to find out . They are the only British squadron, to my knowledge, that was permitted to fully paint their planes in a personal scheme.. nice little group to add.

Edited by Bleddyn

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Hi Bleddyn.


Only the cowlings, metal panels and wheels were painted black. The fin of 'Black Maria', serial No. N533 was also over-painted black at some stage.


All other parts (fuselage, wings etc) of the Black Flight Tripes were in standard (PC10 or PC12 & clear dope) finish.


Also, I think the names were painted beneath the cockpit on both sides of the fuselage.





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I'm working on all of those Black Flight tripes. Have them up by the weekend. :good:

Have to mess with decals and numbers.

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Hey bucky and everyone else. I finally put up those Naval 1 Sopwith Triplanes.


Wasnt too sure of colors so I made two versions.


1. All PC10 with random #'s and serials


2. Fuselage and wings in PC10 but with white wheel discs and tail fin.


They are both historically accurate, so if you mix them up in a flight it looks good.


Enjoy 'em :good:

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Cant seem to get these to Download, is anyone else have this problem?

Von Tobler

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Yeah, I just got a message about that. They seem to be doing some work to their site or server. Should be ok to download in a couple of days I think. :dntknw:

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Here are 4 Jasta 15 Fokker Dr.1's I'll post.


1. Ltn. Bergner (white fuselage band)

2. Claus von Waldo ("N" fuselage marking)

3. Ltn. Hans Muller (Blk & Whit fuse band and tail)

4. German Jasta 15 (plain w tail outlined in blue-green)


The German Jasta 15 is a generic skin to create more Jasta 15 Dr.1's

It will be the same as the stock Jasta aircraft. It will use the same

stock random personal markings. Personally I remove mine because of so many Dr.1

personal skins that have been made. But thats just me :rolleyes: . Not all Dr.1's had personal


I still need to do some work on Mullers fuse band. I'll post them soon.








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Nice work there Quack...Really like the blue outline on the tail!


So, you've now produced Dr.I skins for Jasta's: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 26 & 27.


I think that leaves only Jasta's: 32B, 34B & 36 for the complete set!

Edited by Southside Bucky

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Thanks again Bucky. I'm trying to get them all. Jasta 4 had some too. But the colors are so speculative. So I'm not so sure yet how to go about doing those. But I will get to Greim and Putz of Jasta 34b and Bongartz of Jasta 36. But I dont think I know any of Jasta 32.

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...I dont think I know any of Jasta 32.



If you want, I'll see what Jasta 32 pics or documentation I've got and send it over.

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Sounds good to me. I would really appreciate it. I'm curious to know what they looked like.

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Jasta 4 had some too. But the colors are so speculative. So I'm not so sure yet how to go about doing those.




Yeah, photo's of DrI's from some Jasta's are almost non existent, but you have done Udet's Jasta 4 machine, and Mai's from J5, so as far as I'm concerned you've done what you can.


I suppose you could do semi-conjectural versions of J4 & J5.


Greg VanWyngarden, in 'Fokker Dr.I aces of WW1', states that Jasta 4 Triplanes probably had pale blue cowlings, wheel covers and (possibly) tailplanes.


Jasta 5 probably had red cowlings struts and wheel covers, with light green tails and rear fuselage.


Jasta 4 & 5 both received their "hand-me-down" (from Jasta's 6 & 11) Triplanes in late April/early May, so only the late 'Balkankreuz' type cross would be applicable.

Edited by Southside Bucky

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Jasta 5 Dr.1's were definitely a mix of different Jastas. Red cowels and green tails are the way to go I guess. As far as Jasta 4 Dr.1's, Udet used Kirchsteins old Dr.1 from Jasta 6 and it seemed to retain its color scheme. But other jasta 4 Dr.1's indeed had a Pale blue cowel, wheels discs, wing struts, and possibly tail. But in most photos I've seen of Jasta 4 Dr.1's the fuselage appears to be a darker color. Not the streaky green. Are there any reports of Jasta 4 Dr.1's having painted their fuselages? Maybe a brown or solid olive??

Another question (If anyone knows), Jasta 34b had silver grey tails. How much of the fuselage did the silver cover? To the cockpit or just to the fuse side cross fields? And was there a standard cowel color?

Below are my skins of Obltn. Robert Greim and Vzfw. Johann Putz of Jasta 34b. I know personal markings were colored fuse bands and then carried to the cowels. But was there a jasta color? Also included w the 34b skin screenshot is a generic 34b Dr.1 w the "spade" random personal marking.





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...in most photos I've seen of Jasta 4 Dr.1's the fuselage appears to be a darker color. Not the streaky green. Are there any reports of Jasta 4 Dr.1's having painted their fuselages? Maybe a brown or solid olive??


Don't think so...I'd go for the standard finish with sky blue cowlings etc.




Another question (If anyone knows), Jasta 34b had silver grey tails. How much of the fuselage did the silver cover? To the cockpit or just to the fuse side cross fields? And was there a standard cowel color?


The rear fuselage was silver up to the coloured fuselage bands. Don't know about the cowlings, but I reckon most would've had the factory olive cowl.




Below are my skins of Obltn. Robert Greim and Vzfw. Johann Putz of Jasta 34b. I know personal markings were colored fuse bands and then carried to the cowels. But was there a jasta color?


Dunno,...probably not.



:dntknw: Not much help, eh?

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Well I made them (Jasta 34b) like this.




The stock aircraft use random personal markings and have olive cowls. Look good enough I guess.

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I did a decal rework of quack74's versions of the Naval 1 Sopwith Triplanes. I first used the game generated white #'s to make it easy for me :rolleyes: .

But they look too fancy. So I took some time to make them a little more accurate. While I was at it I moved the two white fuselage stripes forward a bit too.


Included in this download are the new decal folders "D" and the fixed decal config files plus fixed fuselage skin files.

All of the originals are in the CombatAce download section. This is Just a patch for those who already have the Triplane.


Below are the Naval 1 Tripes I've fixed.


1. Naval 1 (olive cowel and fin)

2. Naval 1 White (white wheel discs and fin)

3. 1RNAS 1 (red wheel discs,red fin,and #1)

4. 1RNAS 4 (red wheel discs,red fin,and #4)

5. 1RNAS White (thick white fuse bands and blue tail w "F")

6. 1RNAS "PEGGY"( white wheel discs and fin w #15 and "Peggy"on fuse)


Install the new Skin and decal folders over your existing skin folders and allow it to overwrite.





Just go to the download section and redownload the "Naval 1 Triplane". I edited that download.

Edited by quack74

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Bucky if you didnt say anything I probably would have left them that way :rolleyes:

It's a good thing you did because now they look better and I was able to fix up some of the other ones too :good:

Criticism is a good thing :biggrin: .


I'm just about out of Trips, Fokkers and Sopwiths. :sorry:


I guess I still can do Jacobs other two from Jasta7 and Pippart's from Jasta 13.

I still would like to try a generic Jasta 4. Trying to get the light blue just right. But I have yet to see any personaly marked ones.

Same goes for Jasta 5 Dr.1's. I know some of them were hand me downs from Jasta's 6 and 11. So some would have a black cowel and an overpainted green tail and the ones from Jasta 11 would have red cowels, wheels discs and struts with an overpainted green tail. Could do two versions. I'll make the green match that of the Jasta 5 Alb DV's like I did for Josef Mai's Dr.1.


I guess I'm going to do some Albatri and more Pfalz's next. I need to fix and add to the Pfalz DIII's I've done anyway.

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