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Quick Q For Mj....

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How does it feel to have created, maintained, and have sole ownership over the best damn sim site in the world?


Just imagine the cash you could bring in from a few adds.... hmmm thinking Nike :D Or atleast Natural Point. Hell you practicaly advertise for like 50 game companies, and a bunch of hardware companies. And unlike everyother board I've been on, this one is civil... so even their bad pub. isnt that bad.


Damn, we've got like 1000 members (small I think?, but we get a few more everyday). Theres even biohaz merchandise.


Seriously though, how does it feel to own and operate this killer site?


You shoulda put in a counter when you built it. Probably over 100k in hits, and thats a low estimate.


Just thought I'd ask a Q and give ya some props in the process.




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How does it feel to have created, maintained, and have sole ownership over the best damn sim site in the world?


I don't know, maybe we should ask that person... :P Oh wait, you're talking about this little ol' site? :rolleyes:


Just imagine the cash you could bring in from a few adds.... hmmm thinking Nike :D Or atleast Natural Point.  Hell you practicaly advertise for like 50 game companies, and a bunch of hardware companies.  And unlike everyother board I've been on, this one is civil... so even their bad pub. isnt that bad.


Once I get a few more tasks out of the way I might start running a FEW unobtrusive sim-related ads just to dig up a little extra cash for the site. I'm sure with the way things are in this post dot-com era, that will be VERY little... ;)


Damn, we've got like 1000 members (small I think?, but we get a few more everyday).  Theres even biohaz merchandise.


I noticed that, we may actually break 1000 in a month or so. Not bad for a year+ old sim website.


Seriously though, how does it feel to own and operate this killer site?


Fun/frustrating/proud/bothersome... Depends on the day. :) Seriously, it's a lot of work, but I do get a lot of satisfaction out of it. The last six months have been especially rough with the house move and ongoing remodeling, site issues, etc. There were a couple of times the last few months I was an easy decision away from chucking the whole thing. But things are finally easing up here, the site has been pretty stable with the new host, and I have an absolutely excellent staff that keep things fun, as well as forces me to raise the bar around here and strive to make things better. Fates, Mudd, Beer, Dice, and the rest are the people you should thank. If it wasn't for them I doubt the site would still be up. This one's on me guys! :)


You shoulda put in a counter when you built it.  Probably over 100k in hits, and thats a low estimate.


Actually, the old site counter reads 1,465,073 hits as of right now. Add the 256,056 from the new site and we are getting close to 2 million hits since August 2002. Again, not bad for a website that's advertised pretty much by word-of-mouth. I would really like to get close to double that number of hits in the next twelve months, I guess we'll see what happens.


Just thought I'd ask a Q and give ya some props in the process.


Thanks for the kind words, they are much appreciated... B)

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Definantly one of if not the best sim site on the web right now. The community here is a tight nit group and a pleasure to be around.

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Guest MrMudd

Thats the cool part about trust and respect.


To earn respect you must earn the trust and confidence of those you work around on a daily basis. If you begin to slack on that effort, obviously your respect decreases.



That is what can be said about this community. nobody is shy to pickup a shovel and help out and maintain repoire and respect with each other.


I dont visit other sites for this very reason. or feel i need to say "hey come look at biohaz..." I dont need their problems or malcontent attitudes. Those with any dignity and respect associate with those of like minded mindsets. So I prefer that communication chain, than needing to advertise on someone else's websites.



Biohaz is a non-profit Team and family atmosphere by people that enjoy PC Gameing and will invest their spare moments to help better the effort. these are the kinds of people i want to associate with. You guys motivate me as much as i hope i motivate all of you.


I am not afraid of worrying about what someone will think of me, if i go have a good time in an online game, and may get my butt kicked. it's just a game and i enjopy the hell out of it. I cant say the same of the other sites....


It has also helped me create an open dialogue with hardware and software developers to help make those products better.


Your guys allowing me to be here as well as the respect i have earned with you has helped us in many ways in the near future. I wish i could speak to all of you openly about them today. hopefully in the near future i can...


Thanks for allowing me to enjoy having a public online life with all of you. its much funner now not having to be ambigiuis or anonymous on the net.

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