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I know this question has been asked 100 times.

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Is there any possible way to get WW II weapons for the Allied and Axis aircraft to work with the

Sept/2008 patch. I have try every possible way to make them work but all has failed.


1. WOE clean install


2. Apply patch (Sept/2008)


3. Apply Weapons pack (03Jul06)


4. Down loaded Weapons Editor from ThirdWire


5. Delete WeaponData.ini


6. Open WeaonsData.ini with new Weapons Editor and save.


7. Check weapons for the WWII Aircraft still no weapons.


8. "Please Note" You can put Modern weapons on the WW II Aircraft, no WW II weapons on the



9. There has to be a possible way to to get 03/JUL/06 Weapon pack updated.





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I think this might be your problem:


5. Delete WeaponData.ini


Some people have been deleting the weaponsdata.dat file. I've never had to do that, EVER, since the weapons editor creates a TOTALLY new one, that overwrites the existing one (easily seen in Windoze Explorer, as the weaponsdata ini and weaponsdata.dat file will have a new date and time. And yes, I've got the WoI WW2 install to prove it.


As this has been discussed numerous times, I must ask the question again:


"Why are you patching a WW2 install???


The patch is going to totally f*** up EVERY aircraft built for WW2. Period. To say nothing of the terrain issues.....


Everyone interested has been warned dozens of times, mostly by me, and still we have "unbelievers".


Good luck my brother!!!

You have been warned!!! :biggrin:



kevin stein

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I did patch a modern install, then deleted all modern Aircraft, Decals, and GroundObjects. Then I added WW II Aircraft. But as i said the WW II aircraft does not have WW II weapons.


My question is how did you get WW II Aircraft to have WW II weapons in WOI? Maybe I can try

that to see if it will work for me.





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First, don't install bunyaps weapons pack into a updated install. Instead install it to a Temp folder and manually move all the LODs,INIs and BMPs to your weapons folder. Then you will need to manually add and renumber the data from Bunyaps WEAPONSDATA.INI to the one in your Weapons folder. Then use the Weapons editor to create a new dat file.


Its alot more work, but i have found this method works and you won't over-write aircraft DATA.INIs this way, but you might also have to re-write the aircrafts LOADOUT.INIs to get these weapons working.


WRENCH has a valid point about patching a WWII, It won't be perfect and it is alot of work. The flight models will be twitchy and it will all have to be re-done when the new Flight Models are completed.


I have alot of respect for him and he knows what he is talking about but some of us don't feel like waiting for developers/moddera to get around to updating these FMs to the new patch standard, Most of them have alot of other projects to work on and fixing WWII aircraft is a low priority. In fact, i doubt anyone will even attempt to do so until TK releases the new expansion pack for WOI and gives us the P-51D to use for reference data. It could be a long time.


If we are willing to put the extra effort into fixing these problems to fly WWII aircraft in a updated install and we are not expecting 100% accuracy i don't see the problem with it. I only run 1 WOE install and i'm not going to have all my WWII aircraft grounded because it would just leave me with WWI (FE) or Modern(WOV/WOE) as options. I'm running all my WWII aircraft on the WWII Terrains and its still fun but alot more challenging to dogfight without departing the plane into a spin or stall.


BTW most of the terrain problems can be solved by opening the terrains DATA.INI and finding each entry that has HasWater=1 or 2 and deleting the 2 lines of HeightMap info. Some people suggest changing the HeightMapScale= to 2.0, but personally i just removed the Heightmap data completely and i have seen 0 problems so far. We might lose some terrain feature by doing this, but does that matter if the terrain is unflyable to begin with?


So don't disregard what Wrench is saying, He is right. Its a PITA to get things working and they will not be perfect, but it can be done.

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Everyone interested has been warned dozens of times, mostly by me, and still we have "unbelievers".


Everytime the same, you and many others tell people not to run into the open knife, not to jump down the cliffs or not to touch the high voltage power line.

They´ll keep doing it!

So maybe next time tell them to do so?

"Yes, grab the knife on the blade..."

"Yes, walk in front of the truck driving down your road..."

"Yes, patch the WW2 install..."

Maybe then they won´t do it? :haha:


Sorry, couldn´t resist.... :dntknw::rofl:

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5. Delete WeaponData.ini



WOAH you mean delete weapondata.dat? You delete the ini and that is why you are screwed up.

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Florian: maybe you're right...I should try reverse psychology!!!



As to creating a ww2 specific weapons pak, we actually HAD one a few years ago. Buny had created 3 or 4 different packs, based on year groupings. It never did work properly.


It's actually NOT hard to figure out which weapons should be only WW2 specific .. in fact I think I created a listing of sorts in the "WoI Historic Mods Thread" somewhere


If you give me a week or so (got some problems again with DBS that I'm trying to resolve, and 2 aircraft reskins I'm nearly done with, I can assemble a ww2 package. For Pre-Patch or Post-Patch, as it's is very simple matter to just run the thing through the SP5 editor. Mind you, accuracy will not be up to par with SP5 weapons, but hey...it's WW2 dumb bombs. They weren't very accurate to begin with!!



kevin stein

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Thanks for all your help. I will just wait for your WW2 Package, for the pre-patch or post-patch.


Thanks Again



Edited by Fatman

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I have about 4 or five packs of weapons from different authors integrated into a schmorgousborg of weapons to rain down on the enemy. Do it in this order below, and you will have a buttload of weapons to play with. YOU CAN STILL HAVE BUNYAP'S ADDON! I would listen to Wrench, he is wise in his ways, lol!


1.Install WOE/I/V <---Self explanatory!


2.Patch the game with the Sept 08 patch. (I agree with wrench, if you do not use modern planes, do not patch the game, all of them are nerfed beyond all recognition! If is not broke, don't fix it, you know what I mean.) You will have to heavily edit some DATA.ini's, and half your time you will be spending blowing up on the runway, or crashing into the ground, or worse


3.Delete any Weapondata file you have, and extract the 2 WeaponDATA files from the ObjectData cat file and leave it in the objects folder where it sits for now.


4.Grab bunyap's weapon pack, and install it to a temp folder. Rename the Weapondata.DAT, and the WeaponDATA.ini with an x at the end, or something! Copy/paste all the weapons folders, effects, and such into your patched game's directories.


5.Either download, or open the weapon editor. Hit the open button. It usually defaults to the weapon folder, but you do not want to open that one first!!!! Open the extracted one from the ObjectDATA.cat file first!!!!!! Hit the import/merge button, and now go to your weapons folder and open the Bunyap WeaponDATAx.ini. Aftyer all the weapons show in the list, save the file. (AS A LITTLE EXTRA, BEFORE SAVING GO THROUGH AND SET THE SOVIET WEAPONS TO WP ATTATCHMENTS AND US,AND ALLIED PLANES TO NATO. REMOVE ANY ATTATCHMENT COUNTRIES FOR YOUR SAMS SO THEY DO NOT SHOW UP AS SAHMs AHMs and IRMs ON YOUR AIRCRAFT. ALSO OPEN ALL YOUR PLANE'S DATA FILES AND MAKE SURE THE STATIONS ARE SET TO NATO AS WELL!!!)


6. Check to make sure that you have a new WeaponDATA.ini and WeaponDATA.dat file in your weapons folder. If the renamed Bunyap ones are still in there, then delete them, and you are done.


7. You can do this with any weapon pack, even the MF ones. Alsways remember to merge the new into the old, not the old into the new. Open the old Weapondata, then merge it with a new pack.


8. I think this deserves a sticky in the knowledge base.



Good Hunting


Edited by WombRaider

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Guys you are making this harder than it is. Just run the weapondata.ini from bunyaps pack through the new editor. PERIOD. That is all you do.

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Guys you are making this harder than it is. Just run the weapondata.ini from bunyaps pack through the new editor. PERIOD. That is all you do.



Yes, the short version, but people cannot make it that simple. It took me 3 seconds to get my weapons set up.




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