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This Can't be good.....

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A tactic i would try is to go 180 to the SAMs approach and head down while pumping chaff. The chaff should provide a curtain that will hide your aircraft from the missle.


The only X i can see is the range/altitude/distance factor that has to be considered for proper timing.


I find the best tactic to be......





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Think Lt Carters tactics will come in handy for the 1979 to 1982 timeframe lol


of course you can just stay very low


The SA-10 modelled in Falcon 4 - chaff has minimal to no effect!

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Think Lt Carters tactics will come in handy for the 1979 to 1982 timeframe lol


of course you can just stay very low


The SA-10 modelled in Falcon 4 - chaff has minimal to no effect!


In the history of warfare there hasn't been a defensive system that was unable to be overcome. The factors to take into account are time and cost.


How soon can you develop countermeasures and countertactics and what price you are willing to accept in terms of casualties to achieve your objective? Depending on what terrain we are talking about where the SA10 is located has to be taken into account. WOV had places in Pack 5 and 6 where you could go to avoid SAMs. That a few also had AAA there had to be taken in stride as part of the hazards of the trade. WOE has numerous locations that can be used for cover and better yet, no AAA anywhere in the area. I haven't gotten WOI yet so i can't comment there.


A SAM that will engage me at 40 NM, to tell you the truth, is rather comforting. It gives you a most precious thing in battle, Time. Whatever SAM is used it's always best to deal with it from as far away as possible. My greatest fear is of a system optimized to engage targets from 10 miles in. A missle for that job will have to be one able to accelerate to high speed quickly and thus would cut down on the time available for the target to make adjustments. That really keeps me up at nights.



My key question concerning deployment of the SA-10 will be it's density in the enemy defense. If faced with a setup such as the SAMs around Hanoi one would really have a big problem trying to find ways to penetrate enemy airspace.

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Best way to take out a SAM - use a tank!


Looking forward to these add-ons. It'll make it really interesting using this game to explore different tactics to counter this bad-boy.

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I find the best tactic to be......







Hey No Fair!!! you get to go SAM Plinking in a Nighthawk........

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Well, I just verified that the S-300 will launch against aircraft over 40 nm away (in-game). At that range, the best countermeasure is a quick, spiraling dive down to the deck, pumping chaff all the way. It's still disconcerting watching the approaching missile maintain it's head-on aspect to you, while you're doing so....


The Nike will engage well beyond that range, but it's meant to be a nuke-tipped bomber killer, so it's not too hard to dodge.


A couple of things i wonder about is...What was the terrain like when you got the launch warning and could you determine more or less what was the terrain where the SAM launched from?


My line of thought is towards using the topography to lessen the threat.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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A couple of things i wonder about is...What was the terrain like when you got the launch warning and could you determine more or less what was the terrain where the SAM launched from?


My line of thought is towards using the topography to lessen the threat.


I'm using the SF desert terrain set (in WoE). I've added SAM batteries on three of the offshore islands, and they can "see" you down to 500 feet 10 nm out, and out to 40-60 miles at altitude. The farthest the SA-10 has engaged me, was at 47 nm. What sucks, is that the SA-10 radar will steer missiles down at you. I've made one concession for gameplay's sake, and that was to allow the missiles to show a contrail, even after sustainer burn-out, so you can spot them as they approach and hopefully outmaneuver them. One of the beta testers lost his entire flight of 8 in just a few minutes.


Dave, OTH, is a firm believer in scorched earth policy, and launches nuke-tipped ARMs at them outside of the SAM battery's engagement envelope :biggrin:

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Well, stealth now appears to be working the way it's supposed to. I've just set the F-117's RCS to a real-world value, and overflew SA-2 & SA-6 batteries with no detection, but got picked up at close range by an SA-10, and was promptly shot down for my efforts.

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I'm using the SF desert terrain set (in WoE). I've added SAM batteries on three of the offshore islands, and they can "see" you down to 500 feet 10 nm out, and out to 40-60 miles at altitude. The farthest the SA-10 has engaged me, was at 47 nm. What sucks, is that the SA-10 radar will steer missiles down at you. I've made one concession for gameplay's sake, and that was to allow the missiles to show a contrail, even after sustainer burn-out, so you can spot them as they approach and hopefully outmaneuver them. One of the beta testers lost his entire flight of 8 in just a few minutes.


Dave, OTH, is a firm believer in scorched earth policy, and launches nuke-tipped ARMs at them outside of the SAM battery's engagement envelope :biggrin:


I'm posting this before going online and doing a thorough research of the SA-10.


Observation...The SA10 setup will guide a SAM down at you.


Conclusion...The missle itself depends on it's controller at the site.


Action... Put terrain between your aircraft and the radar or kill the controller.



This system seems to to be a challenge. Something i just though about a while ago is what effect does ECM have on this SAM,.

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Well, stealth now appears to be working the way it's supposed to. I've just set the F-117's RCS to a real-world value, and overflew SA-2 & SA-6 batteries with no detection, but got picked up at close range by an SA-10, and was promptly shot down for my efforts.


No s**t? That's cool that RCS now works properly, should make aircraft tactics based on stealth FAR more interesting...



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My question is how do we keep the game from loading SAMs onto aircraft? I had to pull the SA-13 from the game because i kept running into Migs that were using it as an A2A missile.


Also, I am glad that the RCS was fixed, i have been wondering if TK had taken time to look into that. Its great news that it works right now!

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Well, stealth now appears to be working the way it's supposed to. I've just set the F-117's RCS to a real-world value, and overflew SA-2 & SA-6 batteries with no detection, but got picked up at close range by an SA-10, and was promptly shot down for my efforts.


Witch real-world value do you use ?

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Hey No Fair!!! you get to go SAM Plinking in a Nighthawk........



Yeah and that is one sweet looking nighthawk!!! love the cockpit too, is this Marcello's F-117?

Edited by Icarus999

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So if your playin hunt me if you can with SAM's..... does that mean that the Nighthawk is airworthy does that mean that a release is possible...... (he asks hopefully :lol:)

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My question is how do we keep the game from loading SAMs onto aircraft? I had to pull the SA-13 from the game because i kept running into Migs that were using it as an A2A missile.


The only reason that would happen, is if you specified an attachment type. For SAMs, that box should be left unchecked in the weapons editor.

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The only reason that would happen, is if you specified an attachment type. For SAMs, that box should be left unchecked in the weapons editor.


Thank You!


That was the problem, but i didn't do it with the Weapons Editor, The Download we have called sovietsams.rar has the wrong info in the "add in WEAPONDATA.INI.txt" It has the attachment types listed as SOVIET. It was easy to fix, Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! :good:

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