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Does someone lives in the near of a historical museum with a MiG-19 in it? Cause I nee some good pics of the intake, the airbrakes and the pit, maybe a good pic from the site.


Just take some good pics that`s all.


We have nothing comparable here arround, no museum or something like this with a MiG-19.

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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I have a LOT of books on PDF ... plus I can give you links to sites as to where to get them.


Somewhere around here I've got the 4+ book on the 19 (me thinks -- I know I've got one on the 19P/PM -- it's all jpg, but it won't assemble into a pdf odd stuff, that)


Standard 19S or P/PM with Izumrd radar nose??



kevin stein

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I use this site for most of my aircraft that have modeled (plastic) this year.Very detailed!

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@ wrench I take them. Do you have my addy? Would be great to have those infos and pics. I can`t see this old 19 modell from the first sim

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This, albeit all in Russian, is one of the best. I just checked it, but it seems to be down (again!)




It's been doing that on and off for the last "2 Weeks".


Here's another one I use:




Let me assemble the other stuff, zip it up, and I'll shoot you a link to my site where I'll store it. Mind you, the 19P book will all be individual seperate jpgs. Some books are in english, some in polish/ Czech.

But it's the pictures that count! :biggrin:



kevin stein

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I understand that Dave's taken ownership of the one at the USAF Museum. In fact, I'll bet that he's there right now, polishing his MiG... :rofl:

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I understand that Dave's taken ownership of the one at the USAF Museum. In fact, I'll bet that he's there right now, polishing his MiG... :rofl:


Oh my! :blink::rofl:

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That's probably not all he's polishing....



kevin stein

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All of you are sickos....


However yes there is a MIG-19 at the USAF Museum.

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@ Dave would you pls take some interesting pics of the plane some wich is important for modelling , details on the fuselage and stuff like this?! Would be nice.

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Wax's on..wax's off...Myagi likes!

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Blackbird (or anyone else that wants them), here's the link to the zip:




there are 2 4+ books, one on the standard 19 and the other on the 19P; the other book is on the 19PM. There are some SERIOUS close ups on those pics


Hope you can use them!


btw, the zip is 124mgs....hope you got a lot of time on your hands!!! (or a faster cable connection than mine *&%$#ing Time/Warner)



kevin stein

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Guest pfunkmusik
That's probably not all he's polishing....



kevin stein


Oh, dear Lord...



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Blackbird (or anyone else that wants them), here's the link to the zip:




there are 2 4+ books, one on the standard 19 and the other on the 19P; the other book is on the 19PM. There are some SERIOUS close ups on those pics


Hope you can use them!


btw, the zip is 124mgs....hope you got a lot of time on your hands!!! (or a faster cable connection than mine *&%$#ing Time/Warner)



kevin stein




Wrench, do you know if 4+ ever made the MiG-23B/N and UB issue, i have the ones for the MiG-15, 19, 21, 23, 29, SU-22, and 25, and last the one for the MI-24 so, i was just wondering.....

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Not that I've seen (of course, that don't mean there isn't one), just that is hasn't been posted anywhere.



kevin stein

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You're welcome! That's just a very small sample of the 40+ gigs of books on pdf I have....


Now, get your ass in gear, and give us a proper 19P/PM!!!! :rofl::wink:


Use anything you want off the 2 mods I did.



kevin stein

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