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Drop tank color won't match?

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Anyone ever encounter this - where you can't get a drop tank texture to match an aircraft texture? Here, the drop tank has an exact cloned texture of the plane....Tried deleting the .INI entry too...


Mike D.

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Anyone ever encounter this - where you can't get a drop tank texture to match an aircraft texture? Here, the drop tank has an exact cloned texture of the plane....Tried deleting the .INI entry too...


Mike D.


The bitmap used by the fuel tank is called out in its .lod file. You have two choices:


1) create a new skin to match the aircraft's, rename it, and then live with the fact that the same tank texture will be used with ALL your other skin textures for that aircraft.


2) create a new skin, name it anything you want, other than the name used on an existing texture, copy and rename the tank.lod to whatever you like, make a new entry for it in the weapondata.ini that matches the new name, and finally, using a hex-editor, edit the bitmap callouts to match your new texture name.


Of course, choice #2 requires that you proceed carefully, and having a little knowledge and previous experience doing this, is advisable.

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Thanks for the tip - what I meant though is that the texture currently in use IS EXACTLY the same as the fuselage - same color/tone/etc. however in game, it displays much lighter and with a bluish tint on the tank. This is freaking me out, as the tanks I have made for the F-4 display the texture exactly as the art has it...


I'm just baffled on this one.



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Thanks for the tip - what I meant though is that the texture currently in use IS EXACTLY the same as the fuselage - same color/tone/etc. however in game, it displays much lighter and with a bluish tint on the tank. This is freaking me out, as the tanks I have made for the F-4 display the texture exactly as the art has it...


I'm just baffled on this one.




Sounds as if it's an issue with the glossiness of the 3D model, itself.

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Now that makes sense - I have not even played with any of those values in my limited 3DSMax experience.


I'll just make them new.


Thanks again,

Mike D.

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mppd, try to remap the grey one instead of the green ... the difference is due to the values of reflection, specular and glossiness (written in the .lod of the tank) ... the difference is more visible if you have changed this values in the textureset.ini of your skin.

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O.K I'll try that. There is so much I don't yet know about all of this - I'm learning all of the time!

Thanks again,


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I have also experianced this effect in the past being caused by the color depth of one bmp not matching the other. Make sure both are saved as 24bit. the lesser depth value bmp had that same effect in one of my projects. Took me an hour to figure it out.


Looks like your cooking more Voodoo mike :good:

Edited by drdoyo

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Along those same lines, and I personally haven't tried this...so experimenation IS required


using the new 'folder option' for weapons, add the texture data to the tanks ini:















this is just a quick plug-in to show the format.



kevin stein

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