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Trees in new SFG patch

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Does anybody know how to get the trees on the Desert terrain in SFG? I've noticed that after the patch (yes, I put it into a fresh

install) there are no tres at all in the desert terrain.

I had a brilliant set up in that terrain before the Oct patch where I copied the trees from the recent Libya terrain and the palm trees

looked much better than the original deciduous trees which looked totally out of place.

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Does anybody know how to get the trees on the Desert terrain in SFG? I've noticed that after the patch (yes, I put it into a fresh

install) there are no tres at all in the desert terrain.

I had a brilliant set up in that terrain before the Oct patch where I copied the trees from the recent Libya terrain and the palm trees

looked much better than the original deciduous trees which looked totally out of place.


I don't have SFP1, but i have WOV,WOE,FE and WOI, Did you use the b version of the patch? Not sure about SFP1 but a second version of most TW patches was made for the reason of trees not showing up.

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Yes all the B patches fix the tree issues.

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B patch? :blink:

BTW, it's SFG I installed, not SFP1. I hope this B patch applies just to SFP1 only. Will check that out but I really hope I don't have to go through re-installing the game again. I've been burning the midnight oil for the last couple of days trying to get SFG back to my particular taste.


God I miss seeing those palm trees from the cockpit......siiigh.....

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B patch? :blink:

BTW, it's SFG I installed, not SFP1. I hope this B patch applies just to SFP1 only. Will check that out but I really hope I don't have to go through re-installing the game again. I've been burning the midnight oil for the last couple of days trying to get SFG back to my particular taste.


God I miss seeing those palm trees from the cockpit......siiigh.....

Hate to tell you this dude but the B patch wont install over the previous one and there is an SFG patch. So back to the salt mines with you and re install.... AHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH H AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHA. ok evil laugh wasn't required. :lol:

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Already downloading the B patch. S**t.

I just hope I can move some of the old folders onto a separate area on my laptop.


Thanks a million for your help lads. Much appreciated. :good:

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BTW, the desert map is really sparse on even the plam trees. It would need new TOD files to replace the existing ones (and several NEW ones, as there is NO TOD for desert1.bmp and desert2.bmp


There are, however, some rather clever ways round that.....that involve importation and renaming.



kevin stein

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TK said that the only difference between the A and the B patch was that the B patch had the updated TerrainEngine.dll, so although the B patch won't install to a version updated with the A patch, to save all your mods just make a clean install somewhere safe, apply the B patch to it, and copy the WOX/System/TerrainEngine.dll over to your modded install.


The man himself:-


"You'll need to apply B patch to a unpatched version.


The only file thats changed (besides some other very minor installer fix) should be TerrainEngine.DLL in game's system folder. So if you need to update already patched version, just apply the B patch on clean install somewhere, and copy and overwrite that file over.


Again, sorry for all the confusion...




Hope that saves you a ton of work.

Edited by Baltika

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Thanks for the help guys. Already did it, albeit with a little time and TLC. Finish time was around 5:20am Irish Time. The only files I needed (or should I say wanted) to save prior to re-installation were the contents of the 'Objects' and 'Campaigns' folders. The original 'Desert' folder was already on a portable hard drive. All I needed from that folder was the 'Desert_Targets', 'Desert_Movement' and 'Desert_Types' .ini files as well as the mish-mash library of groundobjects from other terrains, such as buildings, bridges and power stations.

Once I was fully re-installed and patched I transferred the above mentioned files to the proper locations and also installed the latest Effects and sounds which were already on my other TW platforms.


BTW, with regards to the 'palm trees' I mentioned earlier, all I needed to do was copy the 'tree.ini', 'tree.lod', 'tree.shd' and 'tree2.tga' files from the Libya terrain. No hard work was involved in that area at least. I'd highly recommend trying it. :yes:

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Actually, if you're speaking of the 'palm tree' I'm thinking of, the with a lod and shd and such..you can also place them as terrain objects, via targets and types edits. (experimentated with this on the Solomons map rebuild)


Or, just open the terrain's _data ini file and point it to the palm tree's tga. A much simpler process.

IIRC, in the Lybia map, I just renamed the tga to "terobject_tree1", and didn't even bother with the data ini. Of course, that makes palm trees appear on ALL TODs with trees, but what the hell, right???



kevin stein

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