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Weird Red Crown calls (STFU Be-atch)

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Frankly, I wish Red Crown would shut the **** up.


If we had the ability to change the voices, I'd get rid of her and replace it with an AWACs or ABCCC (Darkstar for E-3s, and Cricket, Hillsborough, Alleycat and Moonbeam for the Herk)


Or even better, a Brit Nimrod MR3/4 for joint ops.



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I'll agree with you both and it's been the topic of discussion for sometime now.Hopefully,in the future mods or expansions of TW series,we'll finally see AWACS replacing Red Crown.Red Crown to me only should've been in WOV but,more accurate in sense of historical value.Nonetheless,will have to deal with what has been given.

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According to people on the ThirdWire forums, TK won't go past the 80s if I remember correctly. Sad because really, time is moving on and using Vietnam-era stuff is getting stale. Even "Shotgun" is reference to a Shrike launch, where the brevity term today is far different.


Then again, I really don't pay attention to Red Crown unless she's calling up bogies...

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Yea, "Magnum" for the HARM shot isnt in there that I've seen. At least we did get the "Rifle" call for the Mav. Maybe we can update the Shotgun call to Magnum.


Have you guys tried Klavs' Wingmen Sound pack? I installed it last night and am amazed on how much better it makes the modern game.


Here's the link:



I think you'll be impressed. This shows that with a lot of time and patience, a modern soundtrack can be done.



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Darkstar for E-3s


Factoid, you know that's the back end call sign only right?

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Factoid, you know that's the back end call sign only right?


Dave,just curious?What is "Back end call sign"?I want to know what it means.

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Factoid, you know that's the back end call sign only right?


Yea, but they are the only ones most people talk to. We only call the front end guys when it's time to give them gas.


The funniest was when the back end crew would talk to the front end crew, over the radio mind you and with different callsigns, directing them where to go for our A/R.


We're in our jet saying, "Dude, use the ICS, you're in the same plane".



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Dave,just curious?What is "Back end call sign"?I want to know what it means.


Dave was a 'Wacker by proxy.


The AWACs has two crews on board. One is the flight crew that will use the callsign for the entire jet, say Dome 51. The second crew is the mission crew in back running the radar and directing traffic. They have their own tactical callsign, such as Darkstar or Cylon.


Hope it helps.



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Yea, but they are the only ones most people talk to. We only call the front end guys when it's time to give them gas.


The funniest was when the back end crew would talk to the front end crew, over the radio mind you and with different callsigns, directing them where to go for our A/R.


We're in our jet saying, "Dude, use the ICS, you're in the same plane".




Oh yeah they did that on the ground too I don't how many times. I got on the horn and was like...."hey guys, ICS broken?" You could hear the other crews cracking up on other AWAC's. Man I miss AWAC's.

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Cylon is an F-15 callsign, usually reserved for Red Flag...


Awacs: Cowboy, Focus, Dragnet, Chalice (that is dumb, a cup?), Goliath (most famous loser in history, beat by a kid), and the aforementioned Darkstar. Even more confusing, Darkstar calls itself Vikings and Chalice calls itself Phoenix on their patches (I think, something really off like that).


But of course the 67th Fighter Squadron at Kadena callsign is Cock...


Oh, and speaking of Kadena, Cowboy used to be Brigham, but obviously that chaffs some people...

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Awacs: Cowboy, Focus, Dragnet, Chalice (that is dumb, a cup?), Goliath (most famous loser in history, beat by a kid), and the aforementioned Darkstar. Even more confusing, Darkstar calls itself Vikings and Chalice calls itself Phoenix on their patches (I think, something really off like that).

Don't forget Disco at Red Flag for AWAC's.

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Cylon is an F-15 callsign, usually reserved for Red Flag...


It came up a while back in the ATO for the AWACs. It didnt last very long.


I remember our Eagles at Eglin used Cylon also, amongst other things.



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...anybody remember Ranchhand and Skyking ? Ah, the good ole days of the Cold War...




Ranchhand was the early Spec Ops dudes flying the T-28s and A-26s, IIRC.

Wasnt Skyking one of the EC-130s?

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Yeah, and the Mud Hen unit here is DUDE, which makes in itself some wacky times "Hey Dude need you to drop a bomb man...."


But I am going to check out the Sound Mod though, TK really needs to spend sometime and stop using the same ones all the way from SFP1...

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Best callsign ever is still the BUFF unit at Barksdale:




Nuff said.



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Downloaded that sound mod STORM, and not sure about the quality, as when I talk FM to the aircraft, it's more clearer than that. Matter of fact one night I was talking to DUDE from roughly well... quite alot of kays away crystal clear. I know they have a lot of wattage... but most of the time it's easier talking to them than talking to the helos.

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Already used that sound mod for some time. Installed it and probably would never go back.


Probably it's me, but I hope to see that mod completed some day or something.

Edited by kct

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seriously though...I use the Russian Speech pack and it is way better...period...I was quite disappointed when I purchased WOI and was greeted by the exact same voices...


am thinking of porting some iL-2 voices over...next big snow day...

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Yeah I would have figured he would have taken some time to update the sounds, or the very least get some accented voices. It's just odd hearing the same voices whether you're Red or Blue you know? But I don't have a mic so maybe Dave could lend some talent. I've worked with enough Chair Farce guys to speak their language, but sometimes I get mush mouth and voice is a bit deep.

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Best callsign ever is still the BUFF unit at Barksdale:




Nuff said.




Talked to them when they would come to Tinker. Thought that was a great callsign. Also the AC-130 guys would call out Spooky, and you knew instantly who they were.

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Well here it's like the A-10s, when we here "HAWG" that's just known too.

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Downloaded that sound mod STORM, and not sure about the quality, as when I talk FM to the aircraft, it's more clearer than that. Matter of fact one night I was talking to DUDE from roughly well... quite alot of kays away crystal clear. I know they have a lot of wattage... but most of the time it's easier talking to them than talking to the helos.


I talked to Klav about how did the new voice-overs and he intentionally added the static/noise to give it the radio sound, versus just a conversation over a phone.


It's heads and shoulder above the default, IMO, and gives us an idea of what can be done. Combines with the COMMS mod, the immersion is much better and my SA is way up.



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Yeah... but I think it was a little overdone IMHO, but it is a step up from the default "traffic" nonetheless....

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