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Guest pfunkmusik

Sneak Peek at New Terrain

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Guest pfunkmusik

Advance shots of a new WOI terrain.


Area covered:


90% of Sicily



Balearic Islands



Northern Algeria

Northwest Libya






Here a shot of Sardinia and Corsica in a somewhat finished condition. Minor shoreline tweaking needed.





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Advance shots of a new WOI terrain.


Area covered:


90% of Sicily



Balearic Islands



Northern Algeria

Northwest Libya


{{{{{ IMAGES }}}}}





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Guest pfunkmusik

A few daylight shots.









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I was wondering if we had an AMI Toronado, looks like we do!!


Damn TE keeps crashing on me lately; for 2 maps I was fiddling with (in trying to learn).


More maps is a good thing!!! :good:



kevin stein

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Yes they are!


Especially when they look as good as this one.



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Guest pfunkmusik

Wierdest thing about making a new map.


The 'satellite' view looks odd in the TE, even cartoonish. You're left thinking, "Oh, that looks awful!"


Then you fly in the game and realize, "Hey, it ain't so bad."



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Yeah, that's because of tile system usage, however in-game we have that haze at high altitude that does not allow you to see it as clearly as in TE so thing look much better.

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Guest pfunkmusik

Now, don't get too excited. As anyone will tell you, my stuff isn't too terribly great, compared to even stock terrains.


The coastlines are an absolute bitch. I'm going to wind up hand-placing each friggin' tile, if the stuff I've done so far is any indication.



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Now, don't get too excited. As anyone will tell you, my stuff isn't too terribly great, compared to even stock terrains.


The coastlines are an absolute bitch. I'm going to wind up hand-placing each friggin' tile, if the stuff I've done so far is any indication.





I feel your pain. The more rugged the coastline, the harder it is to get TE to autotile it properly. I have not forgotten/stopped working on Iceland, Baltic Sea or Dutch East Indies, it's just that progress is slow. . .


I find that setting your sea tiles to MinAlt=0, MaxAlt=0, MinSlope=0, MaxSlope=0, Priority=2, and your coastal land tiles to MinAlt=0, MaxAlt=250 (or whatever), Priority=1, eliminates most instances of sea creeping up onto the land. It does stretch the land a little bit further out to sea than normal, but only an extra tile or so at most.


But the TE parameters seem to be less intuitive than I would like. Sometimes tiling just goes weird.

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That just makes me I wish I could tile.


pf what are those brown crop fields...potato tiles? :good:

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