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This is what I could do with GIMP 2.6 and still learning.




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Starting Detail work:



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Hi FC, sorry if i'm Overdoing you but....


Could you make a F-5F with that Refuel Probe?


For Brazil's F-5 "Mike" and Chilean Tiger III.








also with new vertail(it looks more agressive :D )



thanks for bring the two seat F-5 to Game!

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Looking nice my friend!




Looks like you're learning. Obviously, don't use Pappy's Taiwan skin for anything you release other than as a template to build your own skins. But it's a great skin to start a template with because it looks really good and it's got nice panel lines you can use to build your own panel lines.


Pappy...hey man, you around? PM me bud!



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Hi FC, sorry if i'm Overdoing you but....


Could you make a F-5F with that Refuel Probe?


For Brazil's F-5 "Mike" and Chilean Tiger III.








also with new vertail(it looks more agressive :D )



thanks for bring the two seat F-5 to Game!


The thought had crossed my mind actually. The problem is that there are so many variants to the F-5E/F models that modeling them all would take a considerable amount of time. For instance, the F-5F modeled here is based on the Taiwan/Swiss models which had extended LERXs (even over the basic F-5E/F), nose and tail sensors/CM dispensors, wing fences, and the flattened 'shark nose'.


Various' countries had mix and match changes to the E and F models including:


Extended vertical stab

Refueling probe

IRST sensors

CM dispensors

Wing fences

'Shark' nose

LERX extensions

Recon nose (Tigereye)


I had to decide on one variant just to keep the time to completion down to something reasonable.



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The thought had crossed my mind actually. The problem is that there are so many variants to the F-5E/F models that modeling them all would take a considerable amount of time. For instance, the F-5F modeled here is based on the Taiwan/Swiss models which had extended LERXs (even over the basic F-5E/F), nose and tail sensors/CM dispensors, wing fences, and the flattened 'shark nose'.


Various' countries had mix and match changes to the E and F models including:


Extended vertical stab

Refueling probe

IRST sensors

CM dispensors

Wing fences

'Shark' nose

LERX extensions

Recon nose (Tigereye)


I had to decide on one variant just to keep the time to completion down to something reasonable.




One released beats two or three in the planning stages any day. What you and Eric are putting together is excellent! Kudos all around........

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All the talk about decals - the decal artwork in the Iran/Iraq Campaign was very nicely done - IRIAF markings, Iranian airbase emblems etc. were all included. I'd suspect these birds would end up getting stationed with existing F5 units... (just a guess of course). Perhaps you could mix and match... or at least have example to work from...



Edited by sugarblues

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No problem FC!And thanks for the compliment.Understand on the Pappy's Taiwan skin and it works like you say for a template.Kinda surprised myself with what you can do with GIMP 2 since it's a free download.Gonna have to keep this skins for myself unless Pappy gives permission,will see.EricJ,showed me a place togo for Photoshop 3 and it's very expensive!

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That's the actual name. Looking for reference shots, got on an Iranian forum (In English no less) and copied, pasted, and voila a ton of what I'm looking for..

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That's the actual name. Looking for reference shots, got on an Iranian forum (In English no less) and copied, pasted, and voila a ton of what I'm looking for..

have u saw that "Blue angels " copycat paintjob?

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Yup, and as a matter of fact it hit me, but yeah... Middle Easterners have a weird sense of humor, and leave it at that. So yeah I got some of them but I'm guessing that it's so new that a definitive scheme is allright.

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post-16817-1228358910_thumb.jpg A warning to Western Countries from Iran!

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Guys, going offthread...but somebody got another view of Azarakash:




that's weird....i don't bet it isn't photshoped....High Wing Tiger....WTF they do?


Edited by Silverbolt

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Someone in Iran found a picture of the X-29 demonstrator?


The irony is quite something. The "death to america" Imadinnerjacket and Iran photocopy a patriotic symbol of the US Navy and our experimental planes. I wonder if they've tried to copy the nighthawk or have blue?

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i'd like to see they Pimping some Russian Plane :lol:

anyway they don't have 1/20 of chinese competention to copy a plane

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Well it's quite obvious that they're adapting existing technology for the future, even if it's based off a rather old jet.

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Well it's quite obvious that they're adapting existing technology for the future, even if it's based off a rather old jet.


Agree with you on that.If they can go nuclear,what keeps them from "researching","borrowing"or building other technical knowledge advances like build scud missile launchers,assault boats and aircraft.Many countries in this world that doesn't mind sharing information for the all mighty dollar.Iran is a modern country,they don't live in caves and ride around in horse drawn wagons.

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More work, pretty much almost "complete" Still touchups as I gotta figure stuff out, but looking nice...


Going to send FC a "beta" or what you see now for his quality assurance..




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Thanks! Though FC spotted some stuff (needed another eye, thought I was good to go) so going to tweak it some more..

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Modification... what I think FC wanted.... I hope so..






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Looks good! In a way, it's too bad it's semi fictional.



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