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This post is "Bull"

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So as not to hijack another thread -which is something I detest, expecially when I do it- here's some more on the Tu-4 Bull AWAC, modded from MontyCZs original bomber version.


First off, is a request to any Mirage Factory Rep; I've used the rotodome off the EC-130V from the megapak, reskinned and hex edited to create a 'new' item. I just want to be sure it's OK to include it; as without it, there's no mod to upload. I always like to check you all first.




Ok some pics:


this is the cockpit, using MK2's ye olde Russianized Skyhawk pit from forever ago. Using the new coding in postpatch WoE for the 'OpenCockpit=TRUE', we now have a nice greenhouse to sit in. Also using Lexx's "Stargetic Move Method" as well





And here he is from the outside. You'll note all the gun turrets have been removed, excepting the twin 23mms in the tail




the dome is added via FastCargo's "adding a thingy as a pilot position/seat', and makes use of his recently released 'fakepilot'. (it'll be inlcuded in the package)


So, I just need to do up a hangar screen for those perverts that'll want to fly it (and get totally shot down!), finish off the readme, and get TMF ok for the rotodome.



kevin stein

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  Wrench said:
So, I just need to do up a hangar screen for those perverts that'll want to fly it (and get totally shot down!), finish off the readme, and get TMF ok for the rotodome.



kevin stein


Looks ok, Wrench do you know if transport plane flights have increased post-patch? I bet it'll serve as transport plane, right?

Using the AWACS as transport is the only reasonable thing. Unless one wants 12 in a flight...

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Please don't use this 'Russianized' cockpit - russian captions is VERY STUPID...

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Ain't no problem to swap out the bits for the stock A-4B. After all, it's like what I did with the recent Yak upgrades -- left them in English (a Russian speaker/reader WOULD be seeing them in the his/her own language, and THATs what the gauges would read. "Automatic Translation" or some such sci-fi terminology)

-note to self, finish off the other 2 Yaks, and the 3 Fishpot pit upgrades-


nice pics...standard Superfort layout. (having been in the pit of a REAL B-29...) Minimual insturmentation for the pilots; all power setting, fuel managment, etc, handeled by the Flight Engineer, seated behind the co-pilot. Navigator/radar operator in the aft section of the front compartment. No bomb aimer in this mod, so he's not added.



I'm not fully understanding HOW it works, but I know it DOES work (its used on the XF-103 as well). It's code from First Eagles, and I'm assuming allows for cockpit viewing of the internal structure of the aircraft lod. Even then, I still added the "ShowFromCockpit=TRUE" lines to the data ini for the fuesleage and nose.


In the cockpit ini, it looks like this:






Position=-0.50, 6.55, 1.25





the positions, yaw angles, etc, were worked out by Lexx in the Cockpit Thread over at the 3rdWire forums. They work really well; the only thing missing is the co-pilot's panel. Which I don't think can be added...it's not that important, anyway.

Remember, this ONLY works in post patch SF/WoV/WoE



kevin stein

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The A-4 pit repaint would be great with this open pit true stuff for Tu-22 as I wrote, have a nice pic for the instruments if ordway is here around ???

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saw on the history channel that it looks like the B-29 cockpit because it IS the B-29 cockpit...they copied every single bolt, even the ones they did not understand, from a three ship that force landed

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i not fully understand, not problem, that russian caption is INCORRECT, problem is that they are VULGAR.

Original 'russialized' A-4 pit have part of russian words, can be translated like 'f...ked stuff'

I think it's not GOOD...

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  lindr2 said:
i not fully understand, not problem, that russian caption is INCORRECT, problem is that they are VULGAR.

Original 'russialized' A-4 pit have part of russian words, can be translated like 'f...ked stuff'

I think it's not GOOD...



Completely agreed.


we can help you with Russian, if you need it of course

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Thank you, gents for you offer! Don't think I won't take you up on it when I need it :biggrin: The last persons to speak Russian in my family was my maternal grandmother and 2 aunts (my mother's older sisters), unfortunately they're all long passed on...so it's kinda hard to get in contact with them :wink:


Ok, here's the swapped out standard A-4B pit. I had to repaint a few items real quick to remove Naval references (tailhook and such)




At best, it's an imperfect insturment panel - wrong style of gauges; there should be no machmeter, fuel gauges, etc.

BUT the aircraft really is designed for AI only use (stated several times in the new readme). So as a stand-in cockpit, I think it works pretty well, all things considered. I also like the gray panel MUCH better than the green



kevin stein

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  sparkomatic said:
saw on the history channel that it looks like the B-29 cockpit because it IS the B-29 cockpit...they copied every single bolt, even the ones they did not understand, from a three ship that force landed


Funny thing is the original was damaged and had some patches and holes, that too was on Tu-4 :notworthy:

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  Brain32 said:
Funny thing is the original was damaged and had some patches and holes, that too was on Tu-4 :notworthy:


There was an order from Joseph Stalin not to introduce any changes to the original. There was no time for changes...

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We did the same thing with a captured Mig-21:


"One day, the Constant Peg maintenance shop noticed it was running out of MiG-21 brakes. With no place to buy any off the shelf, they sent out some worn brakes for duplication. Six weeks and untold dollars later they got back a brand-new set of worn-out brakes. The new parts had been made to look exactly like the old."

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Nothing from any TMF Reps???? I just want to be sure it's ok to use the moddifed rotodome, as you all aren't signatories of the Freeware Accords Treaty. So, that's the reason I'm asking permission.





nice pics, lindr! I see your museaum aircraft are just has picked over and pilfered as some of ours. Monino is one place I"d LOVE go to!!!

The wife complains we plan vacations based on the 'nearness' of an aircraft museaum or other fligh related attraction! :rofl:



kevin stein

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My thanks to you all!!! (bows)



kevin stein

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