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Tu-4 Bull AWAC

Tu-4 Bull AWAC for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI


This is a modification of MontyCZ's Tu-4 into a reasonable facsimile of a long-range airborne radar equiped version. I say 'reasonable', as I've not seen any proof the Soviet Air Force -actually- had a version like this. Photo evidence, and other research, show the PLAAF had several, with turbo-prop engines, but they apparently didn't work out too well.


This is a complete aircraft mod, ready to unzip and install. Everything is included. Even MontyCZ's original Tu-4 readme.


Although designed as an "AI Only" aircraft, for testing purposes I had a cockpit installed; I've included this modificated version of the A-4B Skyhawk pit, converted to use Metric readouts. Using the 'Stargetic Moves Method' pioneered by Lexx_Luthor, you now have a flyable aircraft, although it would best be used as originally designed AI Only. PLEASE NOTE: it REALLY is designed with Post 9/08 & 10/08 Patchs in mind, as I've used the "OpenCockpit=TRUE" line to bring up the greenhouse framing. Unpatched users WILL experience visual anomolies; therefore, it's best left as AI only. Instructions to return it to such are in the "To Install" section below.

For those wishing to fly it, a new WoE-style Hangar Screen is included.


Other ini mods (many as seen in the CombatAce Knowledge Base Weapons Fixes Threads) puts NS-23 cannons in the tail ONLY, place the exhaust emitters correctly, remove the upper and lower guns and turrets, bomb bay and add the radar disc (as a pilot station). You will NOT be needing to use the Weapons Editor...how easy is this!!!???!!!

Operational years are a "best guess", as I've not found any real data (as stated above) the Soviet Air Force ever really had this version of the Tu-4.


As usual, PLEASE read the enclosed readme for relitively easy (for once!) to follow install instructions.


Happy Landings!


Kevin Stein


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Sweet!And works for WOE 10/08!Great!

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Finally at long last a Soviet AWACS, THANKS !!!



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GREAT!!!!!!!!!! perfect for coldwar scenarios :clapping::clapping::clapping:

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Finally at long last a Soviet AWACS, THANKS !!!




as a "what if" its a nice addition.


The Soviet AWACS was actually built on the Tu-114 and the Mainstay for operational use.

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I read some entries with my knowledge base, sorry but Tu-4 AWAC is fiction.

Chinese version this plane is REAL (KJ-1) 2 planes used from 1967 to ~1990.

But MAIN news is that KJ-1 (Tu-4 AWAC) used 'Liana' radar (Tu-126 radar), yes same radar.

China took russian radar in 1962-63, but they was not have Tu-95/114 and mounted 'Liana' in Tu-4's


Working on ini for this... (need change some things ceiling,MAX cruise speed, empty mass, service dates, others entries is correct )



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Like I said, right there in the first lines, "no proof the Soviet Air Force ever had anything like this....but the PLAAF had several...albeit with turboprop engines"


What If or not, glad you all like it! At best, a fantasy plane, at worst, another target for NATO/Western Fighters! :wink:



kevin stein

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