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U guys n gals know what? I am honestly surprised that NO ONE has done the Atomic Bombs Little Boy and Fat Man that ended WW2.

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why is it not necessary? they are the start of the US Nuclear weapons, why shouldnt they be included for the B-29s?

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If Tsar Bomba is being built, why can't these two bombs be built?

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those were really operational Weapons? or bothe were ocasionally?

*IMHO, Tsar didn't was a disaster....


better stop :smile:


Do the B-29 had an Specific operational nuke?

Edited by Silverbolt

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They ended the war in the Pacific

They were the first and only 2 we had for a long time till the 50s

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As far as I know those are the ONLY nucs EVER used operationally

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the B-29 had an specific Nuclear strike doctrine? or it had been passed for another plane?

i'm courious....i've never heard about it...

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As far as I know those are the ONLY nucs EVER used operationally


I mean Operaional-includes doctrine and production of these weapons....

anyway isn't a bad idea but i think we need an Japan Theater for use it.....

Edited by Silverbolt

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It was the Nuc strike bomber until the B-36 came into service

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1 Little boy was made and used and 1 Fat man was made and used, one was dropped on Hiroshima, and the other was dropped on Nagasaki. There is ur production AND operational use, lol. They were the FIRST nuclear weapons ever used in combat or used period.

Edited by Jarhead1

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Nothind bad for a Jarhead :doh:



seriously...anybody will/have an inrest to mod those?

Lindr2? Krisis?

Edited by Silverbolt

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They are just historic weapons thats all, and I would love to see em added for everyone to just play around with thats all.

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Jarhead, dude, deep breaths man... :biggrin:


Please though, if any modder is interested.

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They are just historic weapons thats all, and I would love to see em added for everyone to just play around with thats all.

yay, i've got it

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U guys n gals know what? I am honestly surprised that NO ONE has done the Atomic Bombs Little Boy and Fat Man that ended WW2.


sounds like a job for our Weapons wiz the big L :wink:

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Wasn't he working on the shapes for the 2 bombs?? I seem to recall something along those lines.


To be more historical, I'd suggest things along the Mk.1 (??-disremember the exact name) or so, more similiar in shape to little boy, as used by the 509th 45-48ish, when they were the ONLY nuclear capable unit in the entire world (and oddly enough, based at Roswell AAF Base...hmmmm....are we seeing a connection??) :rofl:


Silverbolt, you need to SERIOUSLY do some fact checking...

B-29s DON'T/Didn't have a specific Nuclear Doctrine -- they're just so much metal and petrochemicals. The US Army Air Force (and after Oct, 47 the USAF) HAS/HAD/Will always have, a specifc nuke doctrine.


After all, we've got at least 3 of SAC's best right here in these Forums - 2 bomber jocks and a missileer. I'd listen to them, when they speak up *


(*only because I know from perosnal experience - my cousin Karen was married to B-52 navigator when I was a kid)


Personally, I think they're useless weapons (fatman and little boy) for our gaming purposes. Later versions, however, would come in handy if anyone ever completes the 6 Milliion Meter Map, and that scenairo get VERY hot!!



kevin stein


ps: if anyone starts the historical, armchair quaterbacking of the whys or why nots, it gonna get a little vacation.

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Little Boy, or LB as it was called, was a gun type weapon. LB was never pursued after the war for various reasons (the U.S. kept a few shapes on hand and trained Navy crews until 1950).

Fat Man (FM) evolved into the Mk3 (improved HE, electronics, etc). 120 produced until 1949, retired in 1950.

The B-29's of the 509th were retrofitted to carry FM and LB under the Silverplate program, and bomb assembly teams used C-54's to move disassembled weapons and test and handling equipment to various locations. More info here-




and here-




Yours, Mike


SAC vet, retired 46370, 509th MMS alumni (Pease AFB, NH '81-'83).

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And THAT's what I'm talkin' about!!!


BTW, my 509th skin and ini set has the 'NUC' callout for the Superforts...so if anyone DOES make the Mk.3, they're ready to go. (well, maybe with a small tweak to the diameter and length limits...)


Which reminds me....maybe it's time to update it with the new styles of doing things.....since I got a semi-workable pit for the Tu-4....


well, just another thing to add the ever expanding list of things to do :wink: like finish of the Midway Vals...maybe start the Kates...Solomons, Marianas....Korea...Iran/Iraq...oi!!!!



kevin stein

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And THAT's what I'm talkin' about!!!


BTW, my 509th skin and ini set has the 'NUC' callout for the Superforts...so if anyone DOES make the Mk.3, they're ready to go. (well, maybe with a small tweak to the diameter and length limits...)


Which reminds me....maybe it's time to update it with the new styles of doing things.....since I got a semi-workable pit for the Tu-4....


well, just another thing to add the ever expanding list of things to do :wink: like finish of the Midway Vals...maybe start the Kates...Solomons, Marianas....Korea...Iran/Iraq...oi!!!!



kevin stein


Cool!How about Iwo Jima?Put,the rocks down I'm just kidding!

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the problem with nukes is also on effects design level -Lexx did his fanastic! work on those, but his version requires lot of ini editing to get them displaying correctly (clipping issues). Mine version from EE3 is hm... ugly, and resource hungry.

Also they're somewhat poorly implemented in the Game Engine (not the aerial versions, these are ok for me)


Anyway they aren't my personal favourite means of destruction.


(IF only somebody could make real torpedos for bunch of us WW2 guys... )

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