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C-141 B Starlifter WIP

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First flight





Edited by Veltro2k

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Can't wait! :crazy:

Edited by Signum

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Your a freakin madman.And I mean that in the best posible way.Thanks for yet another plane.


the only good thing about being unemployed :whistle2: you have more time on your hand

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Its freaking amazing! :good:


I wish these 2 weeks will pass quickly. :lol:


BTW. please don't be mad at me.


the only good thing about being unemployed you have more time on your hand


Try not to get used to it.



Edited by Mannie

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I'll see if I can scan in parts of the flight manual that I have.... Hope it'll help!

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Try not to get used to it.




And the crowd answered " AMEN"

Edited by Veltro2k

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One thing I have noticed (being still an amateur at this) Using Spheres instead of cylinders to make the fuselage

gives it a better appearance and easier to work with downside: polycount is higher

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also , when I cut something out of a mesh using the mustangs Boolean method , I found it useful to make a copy of the mesh save one with the intersection and save another one with Subtraction (A-B) then I merge one to the other ..Seems to be working great

Edited by Veltro2k

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the only good thing about being unemployed you have more time on your hand


Damn straight, brother!! And in these times....nobody seems to want to hire us older, experienced hands; even in the fields we've worked in; in my case nearly 30 years bending wrenches and banging my head on hoods!


Unemployment sucks!!! But, at least I'm getting "hobby" things done...



kevin stein

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I had to jump out a C-141B in Ft.Bragg 3 times and one of those times was at night.Thank goodness they were all lo-level jumps.Really bad thoughts run thru your mind and see the plane flying away when your falling.

Good looking C-141B and can see clearly the refueling pod.IMHO..thought they looked there best with the "Lizard" skin.

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how many paratroopers one can hang?


btw....does the Game engine support Carpet Bombing?

i've never saw it :(

Edited by Silverbolt

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100+, methinks. A friend of a friend of mine used to do it for a living...also a Ft. Bragg!! I'll ask Mark to ask Dirk.

There MUST be something wrong with folks...jumping out of a perfectly good airplane..... :haha::wink:


OTH, the info should be readily available for those want to look...



kevin stein

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100+, methinks. A friend of a friend of mine used to do it for a living...also a Ft. Bragg!! I'll ask Mark to ask Dirk.

There MUST be something wrong with folks...jumping out of a perfectly good airplane..... :haha::wink:


OTH, the info should be readily available for those want to look...



kevin stein


Damn, this one would be great for an Korean night invasion!

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Depending on historical time frame, (ie: 1950s) you'd be using C-119s -- and this IS true! Too bad we can drop supply pallets for the Marines reterating from Chosin...had a cousin there in Real Life ™


Airdropping troops in a Modern Day ™ environment may only be a good way to the your paras killed and transports destroyed ... given the level of today's air defenses. Transports are best used for what they were designed for -- moving men and material close to the FEBA, and then using ground transport to close, engage and destroy the enemy.


When was the last time paras were dropped into a hot LZ, with uncontested control of air and minimal or no enemy air defenses? The French at Dien Bien Phu? The IDF at Mitla Pass, 1956?

No, I think the days of the Overlords and Market-Gardens are well behind us...and this is NOT to denegrate the courage of any nations paratroopers ... my cousin Al proudly served in the 173rd Airborne ... another nut job jumping out of perfectly good planes or climbing down nets out of hovering helos :wink: ... that is when they weren't dropping them into swamps in Alaska!!! -and thats a story for another day :wink: (what radio??)



kevin stein

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Mid 90's

i'm not sure but i think i've saw it in some game O.o

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how many paratroopers one can hang?


btw....does the Game engine support Carpet Bombing?

i've never saw it :(


There was 20 to a squad and there was three squads jumping at a time on one C-141B on all three jumps in jump school.In Panama Invasion,was full metal jacketed on all personal and only 53 of us jumped plus two hummvees with tow.

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There was 20 to a squad and there was three squads jumping at a time on one C-141B on all three jumps in jump school.In Panama Invasion,was full metal jacketed on all personal and only 53 of us jumped plus two hummvees with tow.



Indeed, FMJ!

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It's 155 paratroopers and around 36,000 lbs of cargo.

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Airdropping troops in a Modern Day environment may only be a good way to the your paras killed and transports destroyed ... given the level of today's air defenses. Transports are best used for what they were designed for -- moving men and material close to the FEBA, and then using ground transport to close, engage and destroy the enemy.


When was the last time paras were dropped into a hot LZ, with uncontested control of air and minimal or no enemy air defenses? The French at Dien Bien Phu? The IDF at Mitla Pass, 1956?


Grenada?, Panama? - Weren't there some combat para drops into northern Iraq in 2003?


Great model Veltro btw. Looking forward to it.

Edited by allenjb42

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I'd forgotten about Urgent Fury ... my apologies!

Still, you'll note the lack of enemy AD in Panama and Grenada (i'm talking SAMs with nasty pointed noses)

I hadn't heard of any in Irag; have to check up on that


I STILL want this aircraft; It'll look great flying or even just parked on the ramp!!!... now, if we could get TK to create "Air Convoys" to escort/intercept or just plane show up.. we'd be doing ok



kevin stein

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Here you go Kevin




Looks like it was an unopposed landing.


I do get your point, though - after all, isn't that why there were no more large scale drops by the Germans after Crete? And that was without SAMs!


My friend did that jump. They didn't even get a mustard stain for it. In retrospect the guys from 3rd Bat (Rangers) that jumped into Afghanistan and killed a couple janitors at an airbase and then ex-filled in choppers did...


Edit: I guess 2 years later they classified it a combat jump so they did get a mustard stain for it. Good.

Edited by Jeremiah Weed

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