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Trains as groundobjects

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Has someone tried to include trains as moving groundobjects?

In the good old EAW days there was the possibility to hunt trains. I think it would be also a nice feature for FE.

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if i remember it right, in yap it is working...

so it must work in FE too... ;)

Edited by Soulfreak

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A wild idea that struck me right now: maybe not as ground units but as carrier stations... you can have multiple types of objects moving slowly on ground instead of water. Terrain following could be the question




Sorry, my mistake, didn't noticed it's FE forum, dunno about ships in this title :unsure:

Edited by CA_Stary

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I miss that too, but never having flown EAW, I mostly recall it from Aces over Europe.


I think it should be fairly easy to do; mind you, since the train objects we have ARE all seperate items (engine, flatcar, tankcars and some boxcars from Polak's CFS2 pak), it makes it hardef to obtain proper spacing and mainting direction while travelilng


So, I'd think a 3d guy would have to 'fuse' the bits together, creating a 'train of vehicles' ie- one really LONG vehicle, then create a data ini for it based off one of the trucks. Then it would appear in CAS (for the other 3rdW sims), and whatever FE calls it. Damage modleling could even be set to have 'cars' sepearted from the 'engine' cease moving and just sit there, when the 'car' in front is destroyed. Hmm...that would mean damage boxes for each 'section' of the train; much like aircraft components.


Have to be set to "TRANSPORT", but again, the data ini work would be minimal. Shoot, for WW2 trains, one could even build a 'flakcar' with MGs or autocannons on it; I've added MGs to other transport vehicles, and they WILL shoot you full of holes in CAS



kevin stein

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If i set them as "Transport" they will follow the normal streets as they are defined in the movement.ini. But i would not like to trade the Lorry (truck) convoys against railway trains. I love it to shoot on trucks.

My idea was to create a new category of groundobjects called "Train". But how i can make it, that in armed recon missions the "train" is choosen as target in the same way as the "Transport"? Is there somewhere a hiden switch?

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