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Hi just adding this pic here so not to hijack lightning loadout ini..as you can see the lightning is capable of ground attack!



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So what source did you lift that from?


What nation used that loadout?


Most interesting. I'm looking to "saudi" up RAF Lightnings for longer range escort in a mythical campaign.

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Great, you might want to edit your first poast to include that info for others.


What nation? I thought Saudis were the only other users, and they did add pylons, if I recall, for ground attack at least. The Swedes fixed the AIM-4 Falcon, and who was it maybe Austria that added pylons to J-35? Lots of neat possibilities.

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If I recall correctly, the ground attack configuration was unique to the Saudi Lightnings - the RAF always kept them a pure fighter. I could be wrong though...



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Kuwait also used the Lightning, dont know in what configuration although I imagine it would be quite similar to that of the Saudi machines.



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...Wouldn't you know it, this months copy of Scale Aviation Modeler has an article on the Lightning; in it, it confirms that the Kuwaiti Lightnings were a close match to the Saudi configuration. Sadly, it also says that they didn't fare very well in Kuwaiti service, suffering from major serviceability problems, and were retired rather quickly...



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