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Christmas Day, 1776

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Good read Don.




I wonder how many Americans actually know that story?

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It's stuff like that story that make me proud to be American.

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The history channel did a superb job of telling the "behind the scenes" stuff like this. And sadly, Dave, probably way too few know history of our country, and the revolution that gave birth to it, and how so many times during that revolution it could have easily gone the other way.

George Washington was one helluva tactician, as well as leader.

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Ex-colonials. Pah ! (j\k) :tomato:

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That is a damn good article, and I am glad to get to read it. I didnt know personally we were that bad off at that time. Thanks for posting it C5

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There was a made for TV movie about this with Jeff Daniels as Washington.

It showed pretty much what the story said.

Washington was standing up in his boat for 2 reasons 1:so that his men would see him and he could try to keep up their morale.(He was one of the last one over and back,to make sure everyone made it.) 2: So he could stamp his feet to keep them from freezing.

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Thanks for posting!

Great read. Some would think that Americans, with their soft life, don't have the grit that their famous forefathers had. I say only that the US military took Iraq in 21 days. No sleep, hard fighting and hard driving. True it wasn't cold, but it was very hot for those volunteer men and women in chem gear. We still have an equal representation of people who are against the war and a media that dearly loves to fan the flames of political discontent. All that aside, the grit is still there. Call out the Eagle at your own risk because we'll be there quicker than you think and with more horsepower than your ready to deal with.....................................

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As a vet of OIF 1, the main invasion, Amen Jug, and thanks

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Anyone here ever see the Robot Chicken skit where the producers of 300 do a Revolutionary War film, called 1776? George Washington in cape, hat, and tight pants but bare-chested and muscular?


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