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What the ?

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These guys are...words fail me...

....not graphic but just wrong. ***EDITED by me for typing what I feel these retards deserve but certain things should not be said on a large public forum.***

EDIT:- I dont care which country they rep it's that behaviour that makes you go :shok:

Edited by Atreides

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I wouldnt go as far as to wish and hope they stepped on a mine, thats as bad as what they did in my opinion, BUT, i agree, what they are doing is SERIOUSLY MESSED UP.

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Doesnt do the US Marines much gpood,if they even abuse a simple animal...how far would those guys go?...shocking that so called "Professionals" behave as such...goes for any armed forces...no matter which country...where is the discipline.?

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Being an animal lover, I can't watch that. However, being in a country that only knows war for over 15 months (that is one year and 3 months away from home) from a place that is almost the exact opposite might mess with you mentally. Trying to find ways to vent/release unexpected tension and stress is probably more difficult than what we're really aware of. At least they didn't do anything extremely violent to the puppy - which has happened before unfortunately.


When I was in Iraq, we had some fun with some of the live stock that wandered on base (we had a donkey that was really friendly in which we took a picture of us tacking cover and posing to fire behind it with our weapons, mimicing that we were under fire and that the donkey would protect us - I think one of our guys even rode on it, going to the next post, calling it the new mobile posting vehicle), but nothing terrorizing. Although, we were only there for just 6 months, and never experienced any direct fire incidents.

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I would laugh if they shortly stepped on a land mine.


Do you think you should apologise for that comment? I am disgusted frankly that you can say that when they didn't even hurt it, it's called playing, I can assure you that had the pup felt threatened in any way it would have bounded away the first time.

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That wasn't cool (getting their ha has out of teasing that dog). As a pet owner, while I found it disturbing that they teased the pup, I did not see any of them physically abuse it.


However placing an animal's welfare above a human being's, is nothing to brag about, either. So I strongly suggest that you rephrase your post, as several other board members found your wishes vis-a-vis the troops stepping on a land mine, even more disturbing than the content of the video.

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However placing an animal's welfare above a human being's, is nothing to brag about, either. So I strongly suggest that you rephrase your post, as several other board members found your wishes vis-a-vis the troops stepping on a land mine, even more disturbing than the content of the video.


Actually I did post a rephrase of my statement once I read it again much before even Jarhead's reply, but the firewall at work does not like this site even when posting.


But I still place that animals welfare over those cesspool specimens. Their actions were not only wrong but also an affront to the rest of the good Marines.

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At least they didn't do anything extremely violent to the puppy - which has happened before unfortunately.


Are you referring you the video and the incident where the two troops threw the puppy of the cliff ? That was just horrible.

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