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Just wondering what aircraft are supposed to carry the meteor missile, don't see them in any of the loadouts for the aircraft I usually fly. Thanks.



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I'd imagine just do some research on the net to figure out which aircraft were supposed to carry them, then make the appropriate changes.



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Wiki says the Meteor will be used by the F-35, Rafael, Typhoon, and Gripen. It will enter service in 2013.

Edited by zmatt

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Isn't it going to be too long for the F-35 bays? It's longer than the AIM-120. Or will is just fit snug in the lower fuselage? I got the impression the Meteor was around the same length as the longer ranged R-27 series...

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guys, i think that meteor missile would not be available for usaf and usn...

it is an european project.nevertheless,when the raf was searching for a long distance bvr missile,the american proposal was a ramjet amraam.

the us officials claimed hat these long distance armaments wereuseless for f22 and f35 and more suitable for european 4th generation aircrafts, such as typhoon, gripen and rafale, to mantain certain capacities against the ultimate sukhois and migs.also, the history of aim 54 proofs that there is no interest for missiles with range over 100 km.

time will show up if there will be interest for this kind of armament at he new 5th generation us fighters

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  aleks said:
guys, i think that meteor missile would not be available for usaf and usn...


Yeah, but I'm talking about non USAF and USN F-35s, ie, the European ones from nations also using the Meteor. To me, it just seems a little redundant to buy a plane for it's stealth (amongst it's other qualities) only to compromise it's stealth by carrying long range missiles under it's wings. Not meaning to start a flame war about it, but I'd be curious to see if the Euro F-35s will have their bays modified for it.

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  SayWhat?! said:
Isn't it going to be too long for the F-35 bays? It's longer than the AIM-120. Or will is just fit snug in the lower fuselage? I got the impression the Meteor was around the same length as the longer ranged R-27 series...


Actually, Meteor appears to be just 1 cm (0.39 of an inch) longer than the AMRAAM, i.e. 3.67m for the Meteor against 3.66m for the AMRAAM.

That's what the sources I found say:



So I guess it won't be much trouble in terms of size to fit the Meteor in places, where the AMRAAM already fits :rolleyes:


To Spiff, a quote from the first site:

"It is being integrated on Europe’s major platforms, Eurofighter Typhoon, Gripen and Rafale. It also has the potential to add to the air-to-air capability of other combat platforms including the F-35 Lightning II.

The METEOR programme sees the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden joining together in order to provide access to technology and expertise across Europe."


As FC said, it's all about a simple ini editing to add the METEOR in the Loadout file.

Realism is another issue :biggrin:



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  svetlinnh said:
Actually, Meteor appears to be just 1 cm (0.39 of an inch) longer than the AMRAAM, i.e. 3.67m for the Meteor against 3.66m for the AMRAAM.


Hmmm... no kidding. It always just looked a bit longer to me. Damned European visual trickery! :biggrin:

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:biggrin: I'd blame the Meteor's shape for that :biggrin:

Smaller control surfaces bring about the optical illusion for a longer missile, but I'm sure you've already figured that out. :wink:

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"the history of aim 54 proofs that there is no interest for missiles with range over 100 km"


a handful of Iranian Tomcat and Iraqi Mig pilots might beg to differ... being able to reach out and touch your oponent is always a nice option to have :)



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The royal navy will be using F-35s on the new carriers. And I'm sure the RAF will use some to. So the meteor will be carried on F-35s, just not the American's F-35s.


I'm not sure how well it worked IRL. But in game the AIM-54 does a good job of swatting flies. If you use it at its intended range most guys wont see it coming. I'm sure it isn't a very good dogfight missile but for its intended purpose it does the job well. Too bad we don't carry them any more.

Edited by zmatt

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I thought that at least US Navy was showing some interest in meteor for it's F/A-18E/F. I've read something about it, but it was a few years back. It might have been bogus or not current.

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Wikipedia agrees with you


The U.S. Navy may require a Meteor-class missile, to replace the capability lost with the retirement of the AIM-54 Phoenix in 2004. A possible solution may be a ram powered AMRAAM (ERAAM) carried by the F-18 Super Hornet.

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  zmatt said:
Wikipedia agrees with you

Yeah, but that part of the article is unsourced. So, it is at best questionable. It is logical as a) USN intends to operate the F/A-18E/F for some time (F-35 replaces the A/B/C/D hornets) b)the F/A-18E/F is similar to Typhoon/Gripen/Rafale in performance (radar, radar cross section,...) so it also needs a similar weapon(you are not stealthy, you can't sneak near, so you need to have longer range). Also USN was always obsessed with long range missiles. USAF might show some interest as F-15s will remain in service and all above also aplies to them. On the other hand US are well known for their dislike for importing weapons. And current political/economic factors also play a role (economic crisis and a new president).

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