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Hi I wanted to show just a small WIP project of a Ye-152M, I created it out of the Su-11 body so the Airbrakes wount be like the real MiG Ye-152 one. But the Look of this bird is really good and I thing some people will like this Mod!


Other Ye-152 will maybe follow, I will include the fake pilot addon from FC wich is great and keeps the pilot parts where they should be!


Here a pic





Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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When is it coming out? It looks awesome!

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Hey I created it this night so be patient! ;-) needs some ini tweak and a more improved 3D modell! It`s just to look were teh right places are ...

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Black this is soo cool!!!!

and make the e-366 from this will be great!!!!

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Actually, the Su-11 would make a better base for some reason. At least because the flaps looked more right compared to the J-8's.


Anyway, this would be a welcome addition to the sim, and Lexx_Luthor would love to see the MiG-12.5 (Russian humour according to lindr2) too.

Edited by kct

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Yes indeed it looks fantastic. I think Su-11 is a bit small, but on the other hand, J-8 wing seems much too large for the 152.


76, lindr has made the R-4 missiles for this. Also, I would include underwing missile loadout for a hypothectical production use -- use the standard R-8 pylons, and maybe I'm thinking radar only...no IR. MiG was heading back in this direction when the project cancelled. The wingtip launches didn't work well.

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So I wokred on some parts, a bit ini tweaking .. with help of wilco and FC my pilot parts cast shadows for the first time.


Loading screen completed, only need to work a bit on the ini stuff and and loadouts.

3D WIP some antenas and reposition some oter parts and it`s ready to go!




hope you like it

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Wow, nice. Smooth missiles eh? Some real fins. :ok:


76, it can't carry four. Need option of 2 wingtip or 2 underwing.


wingtip missiles: historical test flights, slick, sci-fi look.


underwing missiles: What would have happened if the thing was not cancelled.


For CombatAce download screenshot, use wingtip missiles, *looks* cool although it wasn't.

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I think I will leave wing tips and have to do something about the pylons! Nice you like it!


Was thinkin about a four pylon doubleseater version?!

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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For the single seat...


If you setup *new* wingtip stations, leave the old R-8 stations alone, and set quantity=0 for the old R-8s, you should not see any underwing pylons. Czech it out.


MiG had decided to return to traditional underwing pylons when the project stopped. That's what would have happened in any scenario if this aircraft was to see combat. Anyways, you noticed what happens when you fire off only ONE of these missiles from a wingtip? hehe :rofl:


2 seat trainer could be cool, but that assumes some production which assumes underwing missiles.


For the original test flights, wingtip missiles are nice, and make the best screenshots.

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Please, please do wingtip missiles. Or at least do an option for them. Please!

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Actually, maybe Ye-152 Early (Wingtip) Ye-152 Late (Underwing).

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3D stuff almost finished all I need are good data for the Turmanski engine R-15





Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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76.IAP-Blackbird !


А in what condition work on this machine?

When is expected termination?

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That does look nice.


Another idea....Su always used two drop tanks, MiG seemed to like only one. You can set the Su tanks to quantity zero so their pylons don't show, and make new station for one belly tank. 152M carried a whopping 1500 liter tank, and if I recall I use the 370gal F-4 drop tank.

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Loadout idea...


For AirToAir...



















For TestFlight (you can make up loadout options)



















All the zero quantities keep the original Su-11 empty pylons from showing. The last stations 6 and 7 would be for hysterically correct test flights with wingtip missiles.

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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All the pics I've seen indicate R-4R ONLY. No IR missiles.


But, make the weapon stations both SAHM and IRM just in case, who knows... In my fantasy campaign, I assume large scale production of B-70 so anything goes as long as it should *work* in the real world even if not in the hysteria books.

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I dunno, maybe the IR missile wasn't ready at the time, maybe the 152 didn't yet have the added ability to do so. That's why it may be a good idea to include the IRM for non-hysterical AirToAir.


ie...for hysterical correct test flying R-4R should be on both wingtip stations, but one IR for the hypothetical productions version. You gotta think this stuff out.

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Oh man I'm really looking forward to this release. Keep it up Blackbird.

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Apparently Lexx used one of the MiG-21 pits out there. Which version, I wasn't sure.

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PF pit gives closest opening/closing canopy match. Remember, this series was made about the same time PF was made, and well before the later MiG-21S and so on with their green cockpits.


For the younguns ... grande French website having info on 150 to 152 series...use BabelFish to translate complete webpage.


French language, several pages on the entire series ~> http://prototypes.free.fr/ye8/ye8-8.htm


BabelFish translator website, use Translate a web page ~> http://babelfish.yahoo.com/


If you need more, get this from Amazon or a local book store can order it for you...



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