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German Speech Pack Beta

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German Speech Pack Beta

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German Speechpack Beta



I. The word before


This is the first attempt to make a german speechpack for WOx. At the moment the communication in the air (pilots) is already in german. Ground comm ist still in english. In the full release version all comms will be in german language.






1. backup your Speech folder. The best way is to make a subfolder into the speechfolder called Backup. Then copy all files of Speech folder into Backup folder.


2. Unzip GermanSpeechpack into Speech folder and let overwrite the existing files


Thats it! Enjoy flying.


If you want to remove german speech then copy files from backup folder into Speech folder and let overwrite the files









IV. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.


Hope you enjoy it.


Michael (Gepard)



Made in Germany

Januar 2009


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Wow! Thanks! I was just complaining about the same voice acting for the past 6 years (though I have recently been using the Russian speech pack)...this is awesome. I was waiting on a "snow day" to try to rip the sound/speech files from iL-2 and just cram them in their, but this is better.



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Great work,


You beat me to it :yes:


Looking forward to trying this out in my BoB install :biggrin::good:

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Danke! :ok:

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I can't understand a word they are saying, its sounds likes its all in German or something. :lol:

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All you cant understand is german.

An update will come when my microphone is working again. At the moment it is striking and i dont know why.

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