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I have to admit, this is why I don't normally do popular aircrafts...cause everyone and their brother wants a say! :biggrin:


Just givin ya grief there Storm...



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Glad to stir things up...., err, um, contribute information.

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hey, good work, man :good:


[iss cool, i'll fine tune it for ya lol :biggrin: ]


Thanks, but if you don't mind riveting.... :smile: But so far I'm cool man, if I need any help man, I'll ask you :good:


Sure STORM, we know.... :wink:

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"FC that is one smokingcoolplaneImusthaveitnowwhenisitgoingtobereleasedsoonright?"




That's what STORM really meant :smile:

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On a more serious note, been knocking out riveting, and panel work as I go along. It's times like this aircraft I wish were like plastic models, doesn't require millions of jokers but then again the payoff is good. I can't say it's 1000% accurate, but enough to prevent somebody from rivet counting, because I've done nearly five hundred, and still not done. But as always on the bright side, I have Copy and Paste on my side, as well as CS3 :good:, so yeah it's going to take a minute.

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"FC that is one smokingcoolplaneImusthaveitnowwhenisitgoingtobereleasedsoonright?"




That's what STORM really meant :smile:


That is because STORM is a giant douche bag. :haha:

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Well, you can't do jack when a founder says that, that made my day. It was all in good fun but man that's just messed up :smile:

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Just an update, column5 has been gracious enough to use textures from his F/A-18A MF bird, which is good as it'll save me a headache :smile: I've had issues with my thumb/flash drive, i.e. it broke, so right now no screenies of updated stuff until I get home. But so far more progress on riveting, and panel line adjustments. FC has improved some mapping issues so we're getting there. Just hope JAT81500 is still around, haven't heard much of a peep so it may come down to needing an FM/DATA.ini guru to get the plane sorted out. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt by being busy, got it, but a little progress would be nice.

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I'm still there, and you are right a little busy at the time, but i think i would do some improvements next week :smile:

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That is because STORM is a giant douche bag. :haha:


I'm gone one day, and the name calling starts. That's it Slavens, I'm going to IFE into W-P and dump gas all over your ramp. You'll be working your fingers to bone calling everyone in...

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Been out of the loop a bit, but here's a general progress.














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Welcome back! Nice work too! The new proportions look okay?



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Yeah man, it's working okay so far... I got a PM for ye when it uploads, just the only thing bugging me is the gear, but overall it's fine. JAT81500 submitted a tentative ini and loadout.ini, so I owe him a "non-clown" skin (still WIP, can't they make aircraft that don't require so many damn rivets?). That and travelling home is sorta kinda throwing wrenches in updates. I got most of the aircraft done, still working on refinements, and other bits, but I would guesstimate less than two real weeks it should be good to go. And I do appreciate the help from FC, column5, and JAT81500. I know SidDogg you want to help that's cool, but it's been so long since I've done real work that it's kinda fun doing a "new" skin, so I got you bro, but I'd like to do my part as well.

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It's going to be fairly basic, how I usually keep them, so it leaves the skinner to have as much fun. So yeah, you'll get a panel layer, rivet layer, and "Details", which is all the extraneous stuff (gear, cockpit, etc.), and the basic two-tone camo layer. Yes it is two tone, just the Navy decided on a weird combination that depending on the light (as seen in the screenies above) seems like one. That's why in some cases I don't enjoy modern USN aircraft, because the light just causes problem over the colors, but such as it is.....

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Took a look at JAT81500s ini work, and the bombs, etc. are aligned properly now, i.e. canted along with the pylons. I'm in transit so I can't bust out the joystick to see how the FM tweaks he did worked out, but within a day or so should have a good feel. Other than that, good work, a few tweaks, but overall :good:


If they allowed use of thumbdrives, then I could upload the skin for JAT81500, and screenies showing his work, which is nice, considering it's accurate...

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After you get some sleep my friend, pass along the data.ini so I can have a base to work from for the enhancements I plan on adding this weekend. Also, it'll be a nice base to start from for the F and G model SupaBugs.



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Never thought I'll be interested in single-seat Superbug... But this one is yummy! :biggrin:

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Guest pfunkmusik

Sure is pretty.



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After you get some sleep my friend, pass along the data.ini so I can have a base to work from for the enhancements I plan on adding this weekend. Also, it'll be a nice base to start from for the F and G model SupaBugs.




Yeah I should be in-country "today" so I'll get it to you, as well as JAT81500's skin. Just a warning JAT81500, it will still be a "prototype" skin format, as I haven't still finished it, so what you see on the topic here, is what you'll get, along with what I have. I can't work on any skin or a personal version until it's ready even for me, and it's not, so to be fair about the issue.

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