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Su-35BM is on the way,but we met a promble.


We made TVC,but flame doesn't move.


Need help,any way creat it?

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Try asking FastCargo, he made the F-15 ACTIVE mod with TVC (albeit manual).

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I was thinking about this prob this day, I know it was until now not possible to solve this prob.


As I understand it right you can move "engines" via VTOL keys right?! So the engine direction is movable!!!!


My idea is to create via fake pilot method (complete invisible object) worked into the planes LOD! Not like a pilot but as a part of the plane itself. Maybe name it Fuselage2 or something like this. Place this "box" in the engines exhaust and link it with the rudder and elevator animation. The pivot should be in the middle of the box and wich is a "part" or a "system" of the plane. When you animate the nozzle to, link the exhaus emitter to this "box" it could move around in the direction the "fake box" shows/moves?!

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I think it`s the same thing like on the harriers, I hope FC will take a look on this idea?! And hope he don`t call it complete BS ;-)

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No the engine is linked to the "invisible box in the middle of the exhaust nozzles, wich is a part of the LODand the movement is linked to the rudder and elevators. It`s possible cause the Su-47 use this animation type for it`s exhausts but the engine is still linked to the fuselage but if you have a movable invisible object in the exhaust and a linket engine entry on it I think this could work.


I`m not a ini guru but it wa only a idea.

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could you give a preview? or it will be for the great release?

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can't wait to see it in action in MKI, but i don't think a control surface can use Afterburners :(


i think should ask TK itself on he's own forum, may he can help.

Edited by Silverbolt

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Maybe FC knows the answer or the inskye team find a solution


IMHO TK should be the first choice, since it was never made before and it's a complete new concept :good:



knowing nothing, my oppinion is: don't use AB while TVC is working.....(i think amoflook's tornado have this same adversmenting)

Edited by Silverbolt

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If you check out the thirdwire forums, you'll see an article about this for sure. AFAIK, the afterburn will only rotate 90 degrees downwards and back. Scrapper was trying to address this for his Mig-35 mod. I think it has something to do with the TV controls being configured for use with the harrier (90 degs downwards) as opposed to the 3d TVC. I don't know much more than that.

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Making an engine nozzle move in any direction isn't hard, you don't even have to make an invisible link. The F-15 ACTIVE nozzles' pivot points are in the middle of a 'ball joint'...so you could make them pitch linked, or rudder linked or both.


However, this doesn't fix the 2 essential problems (and a smaller problem).


1) The thrust is still only adjustable Harrier style...you cannot link the thrust to any flight control and have it work properly.

2) The flame goes in the direction of the thrust only...so since you can't have any other type setup than a VTOL setup, that's the limits of your flame.

3) The AI only uses the thrust vectoring in the default thrust angle...it doesn't do VTOL/STOL.


Also, the thrust flame/angles has nothing to do with the LOD...it is not attached to the LOD in anyway. What you do to make a nice looking TVC setup is make sure that the range of motion (either hardcoded animation - F-35B or clever ini edits - F-22/F-15 ACTIVE) for the LOD matches the ini range of motion exactly...otherwise, you will get mismatched flame/nozzles.



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How about create the flame when modeling.....and connect it with nozzle..... :blush: ...I trying to one ,but it looks very ugly :shok:




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Is it possible to turn round the moddeled flame 180 degrees?

I mean the sharp end, we see now, to be actually inside the engine nozzle. I think that my improve the looks a bit.

I am an absolute 0 in moddelling, but may be it will be possible to make that flame come in and out of the nozzle with an animation similar to the one used to make nozzles wider when afterburner is engaged....

Just a thought...

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@FC the idea was to make this "ball" invisible and as a part of the model itself. And use this ball as a second fuselage. But as you wrote it seems to be impossible to have this feature in this series now

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