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I Got It......

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I canceled my UBI oreder and I went to Baybrook Mall at the EB Games Electronics Boutique and I got a copy.. Then I went to Comp USA and I got a New Joystick Thrustmaster " AfterBurner II " and I'm going to get Fraps tomorrow....


I'm as happy as a kid in Chucky Cheese.......


Now to install all this... and I also defragmented my system and I'm going to go have a smoke before I install. See you guys in the sky...




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u dont need fraps - LOMAC comes with built in video maker :)

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Damn, speaking of defragging.....just finished a 5 1/2 hour defrag...WHEW! Guess I need to do it more often.....lol. :lol:

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I purchased it yesterday,


Unfortunately I'm in the White Screen CTD Club. I saw on on of the other forums that this thing was not tested on the Win 98's. I'm testing now on a win 2000 platform to see if I need a dual operating system to run on,



funny because I was running the Demo with no issues.



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damn, sorry to hear that birddog. I am one of the lucky ones with no issues (yet) but it stinks to hear some of my friends not being able to enjoy it with me. I hope these glitches are resolved quickly. For what its worth all my years as a combat simmer (especially all those hours battleing online) are not helping me right now. Im a noob again.lol

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Hey Seawolf,

I think I pegged it, I'm testing it here at work as I type this. My suspitions are

somewhat confirmed, although far from conclusive. I have a wide range of operating systems here to load it on, and so far the only one choking on it, is the Win 98se box.


I'll continue to see what I can do before Ubi addresses it which I know they will do, that's a Top Notch Crew over at Ubi Soft! they will nail the issue soon I'm sure.


Gotta run buddy I'll post any other findings later today.


BirdDogg. B)

Edited by BirdDogg

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You got it.. I have many years too on-line flying..but, This is a whole new game and like you said SeaWolf.. I'm just a newnee... But it's nice.. I love the game... It dosen't look like no other sim I have... Very nice. No bitches over on this side.. I havn't started playing on-line I have to train first.. Just the basic stuff...


Anyway good luck to you guys that are having problems with it..


Well I flew for about an hour some training missions and all of the sudden it closed and went back to the first screen.. Play ? Exit? or something else...


Anyway I hope it dosen't do it too much...

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Hmmmm...I'm on 98se and also getting white screens...but not really CTDs. My aircraft are all white, cockpits are only partial, and the ground is white for the most part. After I quit, most of the buttons on the menu dissappear and I usually have to Alt-Tab out to quit all the way back to desktop.


Ughhhh...I need a new rig bad! :blink:

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Well I can can get it to run sometimes on my home 98se box, but most of the time I get it to either load to the main menu with no prolem but as soon as I hit fly It loadsthe data, and then boom, it's back to desktop with ddhelp error or something.


I have a DVD-CD-ROM (read only) drive, and a seperate CD-RW, same results either drive. Here at work I got running on Win 2000 systems but since we've got the crappiest Vid cards here, I can't say how it will do when I get back home.


Fortunately Win 2000 will install directly over Win 98, (XP will Not). So I might try that this evening when I get home. or like I said earlier, dual boot the rig. My main concern is I think I've got Win 98 only stuff to check before I completely drop it.

Plus I kinda like it.



Edited by BirdDogg

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Okay here's what I found,


Got home last night loaded Win 2000 as a seperate OS, left the File Alacation Table at Fat 32, just like my 98SE, changed nothing else. Loaded LOMAC and low and behold It's working.


I tried all the planes, I get a in-cockpit graphic glitch with F-15, But everything else is fine in the out of plane view. All other aircraft no problems noted. I knew this would be a sweet Sim, I've been a Flankerite for years and it's seems to be the enhancement that sim always deserved!


I had no problem running the demo on the 98 side so all I can say to those who do not have the option right this minute to uprade to 2000 or XP, be patient (I know that sucks to hear (ie strike fighters patch 2 :D ).


Matt and his folks will be on this I'm sure. it's not a OS system problem maybe a simple DLL issue.


Anyway I hope this helps, now I'm going to go lock myself in my Think-Tank(basement) for the rest of the day with LOMAC!


Good luck guys.




*Fumbles for spec sheet*


System Specs:

AMD 1.4 266 FSB

512 MB DDR

Win 98/2000

Gforce FX 5200 (I know it sucks but I'm on a budget :) )


Runs MUCH better then the demo!


LOMAC FPS 21/35 (depends on where you are)

settings at mixed medium to low. Water low, mirrors off.

surprizingly enough I got better rates on my rig with AA on 4x, go figure?


BirdDogg B)

Edited by BirdDogg

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