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Hi folks okay I love flying Scooters no radar turns on the proverbial Sixpence (Dime to the Yanks) and then wastes a target....


Question though is as I have lost my original copy of Strikefighters and I am only using WOE is are there any A-4M's out there.


Tried the A-4F but no matter what I try cant unpack it to WOE have downloaded it 5 times and get nowhere...


At present I am driving the A-4A (Model is fantastic) but I want some outer pylons a bit of ECM a couple of flares and a bit of chaff.


Dont want to mod the A model as thats just not right and its fun playing weasel with SA-2-3-5-6-8 etc.... and pasting them with bombs... and then chasing Mig-17's all over with guns...


I know how to do basic Mod's with the Ini files gun ammo correct adding chaff and flares etc but would like a Marine A-4M to cause trouble...


I have the A-4AR A-4A A-4F-IAF A-4K A-4N


Just would like the family of Scooter's, Heinemens Hotrods to cause trouble...

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Wow! I tried to download the A-4F and nada I got part of it it is probally due to the latest patch Oct 08 and that the A-4F was for SFP1 4th patch how to fix the problem is above my pay grade.

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  Viper6 said:
Wow! I tried to download the A-4F and nada I got part of it it is probally due to the latest patch Oct 08 and that the A-4F was for SFP1 4th patch how to fix the problem is above my pay grade.


Thanks Viper6 means its not me then.... but I tried to install it to a directory on its own as well... same issue....

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  pacman said:
Thanks Viper6 means its not me then.... but I tried to install it to a directory on its own as well... same issue....
same for me.

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No, A-4M's yet, but Razbam is working on that one as well as his whole skyhawks series for fsx and cfs 2 to be converted to thirdwire standards. You can also get a lot of mods here like a what if A-4 for the French Naval arm recently released, fictitious of course but has some upgrades and Aussie a-4 variants like the K and there is a british what if.

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He mentioned on his website and here and there on some threads. they still have a lot to do before it gets released. It's a project down the line.



Edited by dsawan

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Theres a few more than the Buckeye, he's done the A-6, EA-6B and the F-2H Banshee, picked that one up tonight and highly recomend it if naval birds are your thing.



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As a Phantom Phanatic I'd say Phantoms Phorever, but to each his own.



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True Viggen but sometimes I like to fly and the F-4 is a good jet until you find your self surrounded by Mig-17's at least with an A-4 you can have a gunfight in the F-4 its open the taps and boogy outta there.... turn round and blast with missiles takes all the fun out of it... A-4 you get to stay and play and dont have to worry about fuel due to no afterburner.... anyway this is not a why A-4 or F-4 they are both good at what they where designed for A-4 Attack Bomber F-4 Fleet Interceptor...

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