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Does anybody know what happened to the AH-1G Cobra chopper that was once available for download?I would reallt love to have this bird flying in my set up if it's possible.Thanks.

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Here's to hope!


Edited by Kopis n Xiphos

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The Cobra depicted on the Thirdwire page is from a recruiting sim TK created for the US military according to Streakeagle.

Edited by Kopis n Xiphos

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Thanks Stormtrooper,I must admit I am looking forward to what YAP2 will bring,and there's no denying,that is a superb Cobra.

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Can you purchase this sim anywhere?


YAP yes

The USAF recruitment game by TK, unfortunatley not available as far as I know. But if enough people ask TK for it, who knows? :grin:

Edited by Kopis n Xiphos

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YAP yes

The USAF recruitment game by TK, unfortunatley not available as far as I know. But if enough people ask TK for it, who knows? :grin:


People have been asking for years,It's not available.

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