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Finally AGR

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Well, after several months of applying for an AGR position with my unit, I finally received an e-mail advising that I have been accepted for the position. All I need to do now is complete some paper work and set a date to start working. Apparently though, they had sent the e-mail out two weeks ago, but to the wrong address. So I could've been working by now if it wasn't for that. Anyways, I'm taking this as good news. Also, our current commander is in Iraq, and will be retiring when he returns. While he has been the commander, he had issued a policy that no one on the AGR side can deploy. I have overheard that the new commander (who has now taken over since the current one is deployed) has expressed interest in changing that policy once he becomes the official commander for our unit so that AGR members can deploy in the AOR, but only if they vollunteer.

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Is that something you want to do? Deploy? blessings to you in any case!

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What's an AGR dude? I gotta feeling I know it by a different name like Adgie or something... But in any event, congrats on getting the transfer!

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Is that something you want to do? Deploy? blessings to you in any case!


Yes I do. Even though part of my deployment in Iraq in 06 - 07 had some very undesirable moments, I don't regret it one bit. I very much want to have a more active and involved part in being in the military, and I think going on deployments is part of that.



What's an AGR dude? I gotta feeling I know it by a different name like Adgie or something... But in any event, congrats on getting the transfer!


AGR = Active Guard and Reserve

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Congrats Dave.

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Yeah, thought so. That's an ADG (Adgie) here.


...and I think going on deployments is part of that.


I think getting my gf to be cool with that is going to be a bit of an issue, but you're absolutely right, it's an important part of serving and the experience will be invaluable. I couldn't imagine joining only to avoid deploying whether it's regulars or reserves. I think she'll come around in the end, she's pretty level headed.

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Alright then man as you already know keep that head on a swivel and take ZERO sh*t roll on bro!

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