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International back up your stuff DAY

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Yesterday I started my HP DV7 laptop

Like many modern laptop, it has two partions, one big and one smaller where restore datas are stored.

For some reason the latter partition apperead as RAW, possibly (I think) due to a NTFS file system corruption.

Repaired with a quick use of linux bootdisk, the partition is active now, yet all the files inside look lost. Althoguh with a freeware recovery data the files are obviously still there, only "unvisable" (Do you know of any free recovery data (unformat , undelete) software, BTW?)


It is not a big deal, since back in the time I burnt the recovery CD as suggested by HP


On the other hand if the corruption was on the MAIN partition, that would have been a real problem.


I already have a back up of my 75gig total of installs (ODS, SFP, WOV, WOE , Falkland, WWII(BOB)) and I spent happy two hours copying everything again from the main hard disk , in the latest edition to an external harddrive, just in case, plus a further copy of what I don't want to lose, or might be unrecoveable elsewhere


I am always VERY careful, with my laptop, and I have no idea, what caused the problem.

Could happen to you



Edited by Canadair

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Good words to live by.

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Two days ago I backed up everything, was a good decision because yesterday my lappy went totally tits up and nothing would work properly at all. Damn glad I got a copy of everything after I reformatted.

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I'm on my way to beg a few discs so I can back up my stuff. :good:

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That's why I allways keep my stuff on two seperate harddrives :biggrin:

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Made this to promote awareness:



and this is just an oldie:


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