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Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving from the North Georgia mountains!


Navy Chief

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My freinds who I helped during the fire and I are all going over to their house today to give thanks. The Santa Ana winds are blowing like crazy right now and filling the air with ash and dust from all the burned areas, visibility is about a quarter mile. But we are going to eat in a home that was surrounded by flames and didnt burn, which had flames come right up against the walls and is still there. Families and animals were safely evacuated during the fire, and our meager efforts at firefighting were successful till we were flanked. We managed to escape with only a singed tail-gate on the pickup. No one was hurt in our group.


Yes, we are thankful when we think of all the bad things that could have happened to make it a LOT worse. Its like God put a restraining hand on Satan's attempt to harm us and told him "no further than this shall you go..."


Thank you Jesus, yet again. :)

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Happy Thanksgiving to you all to you all too! I hope you have a great turkey day and all have something to be thankful for!

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Happy Thanksgiving all! I'm sitting here full of roast and pie and thinking how damn fortunate I am... :D

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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. I spent mine with my grandson for whichI am very thankful for. I was able to get an email to one of my best frinds in the Gulf. While we sit here in comfort and safety,lets remember all of our folks in harms way overseas,including our allies.

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