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Some Good and Some Bad

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After using my WoE to create DS, I moved it to another drive and renamed the folder. I then did a clean install of WoE and patched it up to Oct 2008b variant. Now, when I attempt to load up 3rd party aircraft, some will load and some will load, but when selected to fly, error out with a polite request to notify mother Microsoft about the error. I always send the problem to MS just to let them know I am thinking about them. I have loaded the terrain, effects, and flight goodies from CA, and I am running XP SP[current], 4gb RAM, SATA HD, etc. [loaded on the hardware side]. Anybody else had this difficulty??

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I always send the problem to MS just to let them know I am thinking about them.

One wonders if they actually read those things, or what. Not like they actually care... :wink:


Jug, what error message? Meaning, it's usually releated to some dll or another.

Next time it happens, and the 'report error' box pops up, there's the "to see what the message contains, click HERE" thingy. That should tell what failed to work.



kevin stein

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Last time I had that problem, the flighengine.ini fix stopped the problem for me... did you forget to check it after the new install ? Just a though Sir...



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Last time I had that problem, the flighengine.ini fix stopped the problem for me... did you forget to check it after the new install ? Just a though Sir...



OK, I must have missed that thread on the flightengine.ini fix. Can you help with a link to the CA thread so I can catch up? Thanks in advance.

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i fudged something on my massive modded WOE install and now i get a CTD showing that the missileobject.dll is at fault. still scratchign my head as to what the hell it was i did last on that mod.

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i fudged something on my massive modded WOE install and now i get a CTD showing that the missileobject.dll is at fault. still scratchign my head as to what the hell it was i did last on that mod.


You have a rocket that has not been assigned to any rocket pod most likely.

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You have a rocket that has not been assigned to any rocket pod most likely.

I tried the graphics update to the flightengine.ini file and was able to get some 3rd party aircraft into WoE and fly fine. That's the good news. The bad news is that the aircraft that I had put in there previous to the flightengine.ini mod now are aborting the entire application. The event viewer has a series of error messages all pointing to the singlemission.dll that is, evidently corrupt, not working, or something else. Anybody out there have a good singlemission.dll that they can send me in a PM or should I go back to Third Wire? Chomping at the bit here......................

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