Romflyer 25 Posted February 21, 2009 I recently downloaded the southern california scenery #2 and tried installing it into my unpatched WOE, I followed the instructions (I think ) and when I try to start a mission using the scenery it loads up until about 80% and......CTD! Any thoughts or insight would be appreciated. Cheers Rom Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Romflyer 25 Posted February 22, 2009 Surely someone has some insight about this scenery and why it doesnt seem to want to work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ONETINSOLDIER 2 Posted February 22, 2009 calm down, fellow flight simmer, im sure the creator or someone will be along with some help,, :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stick 773 Posted February 22, 2009 CatFile=..\GermanyCE\ Did you have that in the terrain.ini? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,062 Posted February 23, 2009 You DID read the supplied readme all the way through, yes??? It's also designed for the "post patch world", as it incorporates the latest height field data readout. Stated in the readme: It has been -almost- completly rebuilt, with the creation of briefing, movement, a completely NEW targets and types ins, and upgrading the data ini to the latest standards for prepatch use, you'll probably need to be editing out some lines in the data ini, most likely this section: [HeightField] DetailScale=1.0 DetailFrequency=1.0 MaxHeight=1000 MinHeight=0 you also don't mention if you're using XP or Vista ... if unpatched in Vista, makes a difference. Also didn't mention any error messages (if any). 80% is where the engine is loading the terrain objects ... search for missing items in you install. Since you say in unmodded, I'll bet real money you're missin something. WRench kevin stein Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jeremiah Weed 0 Posted February 23, 2009 Damn, thought this thread was about this guy: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Romflyer 25 Posted February 23, 2009 You DID read the supplied readme all the way through, yes??? It's also designed for the "post patch world", as it incorporates the latest height field data readout. Stated in the readme: for prepatch use, you'll probably need to be editing out some lines in the data ini, most likely this section: [HeightField] DetailScale=1.0 DetailFrequency=1.0 MaxHeight=1000 MinHeight=0 you also don't mention if you're using XP or Vista ... if unpatched in Vista, makes a difference. Also didn't mention any error messages (if any). 80% is where the engine is loading the terrain objects ... search for missing items in you install. Since you say in unmodded, I'll bet real money you're missin something. WRench kevin stein I'm using XP and I get no error message just black screen for about 10 seconds, and then "this program has encountered a problem, would you like to send M$ a report?" If you know which lines I should edit, I would be gratefull. Would I maybe be better off looking for Socal #1? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,062 Posted February 23, 2009 You're not seeing all the error message...when you get the "send M$ a report" popup, there's ALWAYS a littlle tab that says "to see what this report contains click HERE" -- this goes for ANY CTD that is game generated. that will open a sub-window, and list the dll responsible for the fault. That's the info we need to know. If you know which lines I should edit, I would be gratefull. see my post above. re: HeightField data. HINT: extract the data ini from the GermanyCE cat, and compare the top sections to the one in SoCal; that is, everything up to the start of the terrain tile listings. You'll see the differences. a note to EVERYONE: all the terrains I'm working on, excepting those for WW2, are built with the 9/08 & 10/ 10 Post-Patch world in mind. So, if you arn't patched up, you'll have to start learning HOW things work, and how to fix them. Stick: all terrain cats are listed in ALL my terrain mods, just commented out. All the End User needs to do, is READ THE DAMN README, expeically the "Selecting the Proper Terrain Cat" section, and make the necessary edits. Wrench kevin stein Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Romflyer 25 Posted February 23, 2009 You're not seeing all the error message...when you get the "send M$ a report" popup, there's ALWAYS a littlle tab that says "to see what this report contains click HERE" -- this goes for ANY CTD that is game generated. that will open a sub-window, and list the dll responsible for the fault. That's the info we need to know. see my post above. re: HeightField data. HINT: extract the data ini from the GermanyCE cat, and compare the top sections to the one in SoCal; that is, everything up to the start of the terrain tile listings. You'll see the differences. a note to EVERYONE: all the terrains I'm working on, excepting those for WW2, are built with the 9/08 & 10/ 10 Post-Patch world in mind. So, if you arn't patched up, you'll have to start learning HOW things work, and how to fix them. Stick: all terrain cats are listed in ALL my terrain mods, just commented out. All the End User ™ needs to do, is READ THE DAMN README, expeically the "Selecting the Proper Terrain Cat" section, and make the necessary edits. Wrench kevin stein With all due respect I did "read the damn readme" -Selecting the Proper CAT file to use: Right now, as stated, it's set up to use the WoE WoE users need do nothing further at this point. Go fly! For the rest of you (SF and WoV), read on.... --For SF & WoV users: Open the SCal.ini in your text editor of choice.... As you can see in the example below, copied directly from the SCal.ini, all the needed cat pointer lines are listed, just not activated.... [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Southern California DataFile=scal_data.INI TargetFile=scal_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=scal_types.INI MovementFile=scal_movement.INI NationsFile=scal_nations.INI BriefingText=SCal_briefing.INI DogfightFile=scal_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE //CatFile=..\Desert\ CatFile=..\GermanyCE\ //CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\ Longitude=118.0 Latitude=34.0 You'll note the commented out lines for SF and WoV's You just simply 'uncomment' them - remove the double slashes (//), and add them to the GermanyCE line. It should look like the examples below: For SF: CatFile=..\Desert\ //CatFile=..\GermanyCE\ //CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\ Same thing for WoV users, but using the VietnamSEA cat: //CatFile=..\Desert\ //CatFile=..\GermanyCE\ CatFile=..\VietnamSEA\ You shouldn't have any problems getting it to work.... if you do, you've simply not followed instructions. It would seem that my in-experience may be painfully obvious to those more........experienced users, but I read this as saying that if I'm using WOE, which I am, that I didnt need to extract or edit any CAT files "just go fly" That being said, thanks for the help on which lines to compare and edit. If I try the older version of this scenery will I have similar issues, as the original was made pre latest patch? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,062 Posted February 23, 2009 You shouldn' have any problems with the older version. Other than missing out on all the new cool stuff I added (I mean, who DOSEN'T want to bomb Disneyland?? ) But we still need to see WHICH dll is causing the fault, so play it again, let if CTD, and click on the "see here" box, so's we can know whats happening Wrench kevin stein Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Romflyer 25 Posted February 23, 2009 Well if theres no Disneyland in the old one then I'll have to figure out the new one, cause that is the only reason I got this scenery in the first place I just wont be happy if I cant put a big target on Mickeys back Anyways I did download the earlier version today, but I will investigate the CTD dll PDQ and post it ASAP Thanks again for your support. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Typhoid 231 Posted February 23, 2009 actually, I am having the same problem. can't do the data extractor - that no longer works or is blocked by something. have definitely got the data cat files installed and have tried several. same result. presently on the back shelf for the moment but watching the thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icarus999 70 Posted February 24, 2009 Yeah there is something going on here I put the so cal terrain in my 8-06 patch level install and am getting random crashes to black at 80%, however when the game does load there are clipping issues (as expected) I edited out the new height field lines and it still crashed. It works fine on my current patch level installs really a great terrain Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,062 Posted February 24, 2009 Interesting to note, that other than the aforementioned 'terrain tile flashing' (which Gepard done tole me what causes it, and is under consideration for being fixed), I don't have any of the problems you guys describe. It was tested in a minimaly modded WoE, fully patched (meaning, just the HAWKs, some AAA, ships -which you'll note are ALL stock 3W or mods thereof). Then transfered to my "All is Everything", fully patched install. Again, just the one issue. Typhoid: why'd you need to extract stuff from the cat? And which one?? All the inis are included, unless you're trying to pull the CV63 inis?? If there was something SERIOUSLY wrong with this terrain (and believe me, it still has some issues I don't like), doncha all think that the Big Guys like Dave or C5 or FastCargo or and the rest of them would be so far up my ass, their heads'd be sticking out my nose??? We need to see those fault readouts!!!! I'm not getting enough info to track it down (well, considering it's not happening for me....) Wrench kevin stein Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Typhoid 231 Posted February 24, 2009 "Typhoid: why'd you need to extract stuff from the cat?" thought you mentioned something above about editing something that you had to extract. short point is that there is something odd, but I haven't had time to properly troubleshoot it yet. Just adding my two pennies that there is something that is not working quite right. i've tried this with the sf2 - ctd (but in a woe install) and the - ctd other terrains work fine. when I get a chance to get back to the sim (in about two weeks.....) I'll do a more thorough job of troubleshooting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,062 Posted February 25, 2009 Yes, please do!! I've even re-run the ENTIRE thing back through the SF terrain editor (NOT the WoE/WoV/WoI version - which Gepard told me has "issues" with the desert tile set), and still get the terrain tile flicker in that region about 50 miles north of Vandenberg. -also did this for the ASW rebuild, that is almost done, too The data in supplied with SoCal should have the newest height data in, at the top. These may be the offending items: [HeightField] DetailScale=1.0 DetailFrequency=1.0 MaxHeight=1000 MinHeight=0 [HeightOffset] LowDetailMesh=-1.0 WaterMesh=0.8 There's a thread around here somewhere about what to fix with it. Wrench kevin stein Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Romflyer 25 Posted February 25, 2009 (edited) Kevin,here are the error reports This list goes on for twenty some odd modules, hope this means something to you. Edited February 25, 2009 by romflyer Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wrench 10,062 Posted February 25, 2009 Ok, I can barely read those, but that first shot, has the dll listed ... groundobject .dll That's means, usually, you're missing something in you GroundObjects folder that the terrains types and targets ini is looking for. Now, the hard part is finding out WHAT object it's calling for ... and on that point, I can't help. Since you say your running in an unmodded install, it probably means you missing damn near everything "add on" listed in the Types ini. alternatives: transfer the terrain to game install that has EVERYTHING!! (hawks, nikes, all the vehicles, tanks, ships etc), and retest. That's all I can tell ya! WRench kevin stein Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Typhoid 231 Posted February 28, 2009 Kevin, Did a little trouble shooting and I was mixing the wrong problem with the wrong terrain. sorry abou that. what I am getting with the scal terrain is that all of the aircraft show up in the same place at start, on the runway, and my plane blows up. If I start airborne - everything runs fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites